Ever been banned here at FreeOnes? If so, what for?


Closed Account
One time. I hope to be good and not get banned again.

We´ve changed the rules for OCSM´s, if they are naughty I´ll come and spank them, we´ve found the threat of this to be more efficient than banning.
My first ban came after I posted a photo of some disgusting looking feet in a "Who has the prettiest feet" topic. :rolleyes:

I think it was this one ----

Anyway, it was meant as a joke because every other photo in the thread was of really pretty female feet.

Silly me, I thought the OP and everyone else would have thought it funny, as I did. But... I realized when I got my three day ban that this was going to be an interesting place to post at.


So...... what was your first BAN in here because of?

You should have been permanently banned for that shit!

Back on topic, I got banned once for arguing with a moderator, I cannot remember what about or why.
Never been banned before, almost have with the Futurama avi moderator. Gave mercy on me because he understood I was totally new and green and maybe he didn't want to ban a fellow Canadian, but everyone else wanted me banned just for the sake of someone getting the shaft. Been penalized twice for the size of the sig...still not happy about that one and the records still there. Wish FO would get rid of it though, feel like a criminal:(

You mean Plasma2wat?... Hmmm.... that reminds me.....


Oh, and no bans/infractions as of right now.
I have 3 questions.

1. Who banned him?
2. Is it a permanent ban?
3. When is assari's ban going to happen?

I'll bet NOW you wish you'd replied to Petra's e-mail sooner, huh? ;)
So, I've never been banned, but I once killed a guy for FreeOnes. They wanted him out of the picture, but they didn't want to ban him publicly, for PR reasons. Roald contacted me privately, and I took care of business.

Don't make me come after you.
Not from freeones but I did get banned at the eurobabeindex forum for saying this fucking ugly chick was ugly and guess what?!?! She's still fucking ugly!:flaccid:
Once for expressing my opinion, Admin called it racism? And a multitude of banning threats for promoting my site. Admin panel abuse to the fullest I say.
How did you know about that?

Oh I have my sources, which shall remain nameless. Rest assured, though, I know more about you than you think. :elaugh:

Once for expressing my opinion, Admin called it racism? And a multitude of banning threats for promoting my site. Admin panel abuse to the fullest I say.

Keep 'em coming. Sooner or later we'll find out who you were, and whether or not you're fit to stick around. :thumbsup:

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
Guilty by association, judged by who I know!

Okay, I'm just quoting a punk song :p
I was banned once because I worked for a really shady piece of shit who ran a cam site & affiliate program into the ground.
As soon as I explained that I was also affected by said piece of shit & not associated with him or his shady dealings, I was unbanned.

Plus a lot of awesome people stood up for me until I got to the bottom of it, so yay for FreeOnes posters <3


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Posted 1 funny (I thought) comment onto an OCSM thread and georgess dropped the hammer on me. Accused for hijacking. I PMd her and she was cool with it. I don't know if she was on the rag that day or what. All in the past and I'll avoid OCSM threads since some of the precious little flowers might get their feelings hurt or not understand what a joke is.