Even if you don't like Palin

Well my friend, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that philosophy will lower your potential wife pool by about 90% LOL

That's why I wouldn't tell her I felt that way. I'd just keep that thought to myself. And only my name on the deed.;)


I really don't want to get involved in this discussion, but all the part truths and half thoughts that keep geting tossed around might hurt someone.
First...a fetus is viable before it is born...just not hardly at all at 4-5 months, to ready-to-start breathing and sucking titty at 7-8 months. Life does not just begin when you arrive outside your mom. Otherwise, a newborn, without feeding, warmth, and possibly cleaning, will just die soon after birth..but no one sane thinks that's only the mother's choice. There is a hazy grey area where a fetus is a semi-aware human, and a growing possible human.
My daughter was removed right at 8 months, perfectly normal and super healthy...just a month early.
I have had some rough times in my life, a lot of people have...some people have horrible injuries and spend months and years recovering. They do it, and get on with their lives. Childbirth isn't that serious, worst cases it's a bitch, but doable. Just like a peanut allergic person avoids peanut exposure, someone who can't bear to go through pregnancy should avoid fucking, or at least without BC, just as seriously. Like someone said, after a point it isn't just a matter of personal choice it's a living breathing child. A person...not a bad experience. Someone who wants to never have a child, but wants to fuck freely...get your tubes tied; either way...take personal responsibility for your actions.
That said, I will never get pregnant, so I have no say as to whether a woman gets an abortion or not...not my business. However, after 3 months, and that's uncomfortably close to that viable point, abortion should be illegal. That's protecting the helpless unborn person.

I know personally many adopted children, happy people. I know people who gave up children at a young age rather than abort, and that worked out. And I know women who had abortions and miscarriages, both of which are disturbing to most women. It's personal choice, but then so is "cutting", and not too many people advocate letting people cut themselves without stepping in. It's all a matter of personal space on the one hand, and caring for others, on the other hand.
Just don't have sex, unprotected or fertile, or deal with what happens next.

Fathers have no part in gestation or birth, so they are out of the loop until birth. Don't do someone you don't wanna pay child support to, or deal with it.
Either way, it's not your deal after the initial act. Get a reverseable vasectomy, it's cheaper than child support.


Hiliary 2020
Birth to a beautiful child to a welfare mother who Repiblicans despise & want to pull the rug from beneath:dunno:(welfare reform).
Yeah What a beautiful ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence! I wish we could all be so lucky!
Make a woman have a baby she doesn't want/can't afford & then scorn & ignore her once she has it & deny any financial assistance?

You self righteous/bible thumping/segregationist/Republicans are so swell:wave:

gimme gimme gimme.......
What other country supports unwed mothers like the US does.......none.
Hell, today so many people ( a huge sector of the population and growing) purposly don't get married or even name the dad on the birth cetificate just in order to rape the system for 18+ years.
Make a woman have a baby?

Question? was it the republicans you hate so much that couldn't use birth control or pull out?
People like you like to blame the Gov for everything, personal responsability is nonexistent
If someone can't afford a kid, don't have one, If you live in an "ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence", then think twice before having a kid.....
Or just fuck, get pregnant , blame the government all the while saying gimme more, gimme more......
You also think its republican policies that invade your freedom, if you really paid attention you would know its democrats that create more and more laws ....
What gets me is just how many people think like you do.....Like somebody owes you.....And to me thats the biggest thing thats rotting the country from the inside out.
If I work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day to support myself and my family, exactly what percentage of my income do I owe you?


Staff member
gimme gimme gimme.......
What other country supports unwed mothers like the US does.......none.
Hell, today so many people ( a huge sector of the population and growing) purposly don't get married or even name the dad on the birth cetificate just in order to rape the system for 18+ years.
Make a woman have a baby?

Question? was it the republicans you hate so much that couldn't use birth control or pull out?
People like you like to blame the Gov for everything, personal responsability is nonexistent
If someone can't afford a kid, don't have one, If you live in an "ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence", then think twice before having a kid.....
Or just fuck, get pregnant , blame the government all the while saying gimme more, gimme more......
You also think its republican policies that invade your freedom, if you really paid attention you would know its democrats that create more and more laws ....
What gets me is just how many people think like you do.....Like somebody owes you.....And to me thats the biggest thing thats rotting the country from the inside out.
If I work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day to support myself and my family, exactly what percentage of my income do I owe you?

good reply.You owe no money to other people.


Closed Account
gimme gimme gimme.......
What other country supports unwed mothers like the US does.......none.
Hell, today so many people ( a huge sector of the population and growing) purposly don't get married or even name the dad on the birth cetificate just in order to rape the system for 18+ years.
Make a woman have a baby?

Question? was it the republicans you hate so much that couldn't use birth control or pull out?
People like you like to blame the Gov for everything, personal responsability is nonexistent
If someone can't afford a kid, don't have one, If you live in an "ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence", then think twice before having a kid.....
Or just fuck, get pregnant , blame the government all the while saying gimme more, gimme more......
You also think its republican policies that invade your freedom, if you really paid attention you would know its democrats that create more and more laws ....
What gets me is just how many people think like you do.....Like somebody owes you.....And to me thats the biggest thing thats rotting the country from the inside out.
If I work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day to support myself and my family, exactly what percentage of my income do I owe you?

Owes me? I don't need anythig from you nor the government(Thaks but no thanks;) & while not rich I am certaily more financially stable than most people who make this claim.
Learn more about the myths first:

56% support ends within 12 months
70% ends within 24 months
85% ends within 4years(not 18 as you suggested)

Average welfare family is no larger than average so I doubt if they are having babies JUST to get another hundred bucks or so per month:
43% have one child
30% have two
And to avoid the racial undertoes it is White women who get approx. 40% of those benefits

I am not here to defend Welfare mothers ,but that 1% they receive is almost a non issue to me. Social ISSUES are most important to me & I do not want anyone else's "VAlues" imposed upon me.
Social Security(which everyone has forgotten about) is the only financial issue to me so that I have a good supplemental income to my other retirement. I would like to learn more about McCains partial privatization(though he still would't get my vote) of SS, but they would rather play on fears & emotion rather than issues.

That's another issue that Republicans play on yet Welfare(AFDC programs) is barely 1% or less of the total US budget :dunno:(2006):

You seem to be one of those "bitter Americans" Obama spoke of. Calm down. I am not naive & I know that poverty will ALWAYS be a part of this world. But to simply ignore it does not work & we will eventually have to reckon with these people. See Marie Antionette!
Brazil thought they could ignore poverty also & now it is one of the most unsafe(non war zone ) countries in the world. 500,00 Murders between('79 -2003):eek: 51,000 in 2003 alone)Kidnappings of citizens is commonplace. Just as the US saw in the 60's, with the horrible riots that took place , someday you will have to reckon with the poor & downtrodden. Social Programs as safety nets & NOT crutches NOW versus rampant crime,instability, & even more expensive future spending on Prisons, Security,crime fighting,etc,...
To say that the Republicans are the so called party of "FAMILY/Judeo/Christian Values" they sure can get worked up over barely one percent of budget spending.

Where is the conservative/republica outrage about the (estimated 3 trillion spent on a misguided war in Iraq?( which will only strengthen Iran) That money could have been used here
But you get upset with this misguided outrage over the approx. 166/month/person on public assistance?

21%/ National Defense
21% Social Security
19% Medicare/Medicaid
9% Intersest on Debt
9% Safety Net programs: Earned Income Credit/Child Tax care Credits/ While AFDC amount to barely 1% of this

6% Va & Federal pensions
4% Education:eek:
3% Scientific Research/Nasa
2% Transportation/Infrasrtucture
1% Non Security International(Humanitarian

5% general Government


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I wonder if Yahoo! will post a news story about it, you know...considering it was their own e-mail service that was hacked so easily. :dunno:
I wonder if Yahoo! will post a news story about it, you know...considering it was their own e-mail service that was hacked so easily. :dunno:

It's been on yahoo most of the day.Biggest serious issue involved in this is it appears she was using her private e-mail to conduct public buisness ,and that is important as she is under investgation for whats known as "trooper gate".These so called private e-mails may contain evidence of wrong doing.And even though it was illegal to hack her account, the info is now out and will remain so,supreme court decision a few years ago decided that.


Hacker impersonated Palin, stole e-mail password

WASHINGTON - Details emerged Thursday behind the break-in of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's e-mail account, including a first-hand account suggesting it was vulnerable because a hacker was able to impersonate her online to obtain her password. "


Hiliary 2020
Owes me? I don't need anythig from you nor the government(Thaks but no thanks;) & while not rich I am certaily more financially stable than most people who make this claim.
Learn more about the myths first:

56% support ends within 12 months
70% ends within 24 months
85% ends within 4years(not 18 as you suggested)

Average welfare family is no larger than average so I doubt if they are having babies JUST to get another hundred bucks or so per month:
43% have one child
30% have two
And to avoid the racial undertoes it is White women who get approx. 40% of those benefits

I am not here to defend Welfare mothers ,but that 1% they receive is almost a non issue to me. Social ISSUES are most important to me & I do not want anyone else's "VAlues" imposed upon me.
Social Security(which everyone has forgotten about) is the only financial issue to me so that I have a good supplemental income to my other retirement. I would like to learn more about McCains partial privatization(though he still would't get my vote) of SS, but they would rather play on fears & emotion rather than issues.

That's another issue that Republicans play on yet Welfare(AFDC programs) is barely 1% or less of the total US budget :dunno:(2006):

You seem to be one of those "bitter Americans" Obama spoke of. Calm down. I am not naive & I know that poverty will ALWAYS be a part of this world. But to simply ignore it does not work & we will eventually have to reckon with these people. See Marie Antionette!
Brazil thought they could ignore poverty also & now it is one of the most unsafe(non war zone ) countries in the world. 500,00 Murders between('79 -2003):eek: 51,000 in 2003 alone)Kidnappings of citizens is commonplace. Just as the US saw in the 60's, with the horrible riots that took place , someday you will have to reckon with the poor & downtrodden. Social Programs as safety nets & NOT crutches NOW versus rampant crime,instability, & even more expensive future spending on Prisons, Security,crime fighting,etc,...
To say that the Republicans are the so called party of "FAMILY/Judeo/Christian Values" they sure can get worked up over barely one percent of budget spending.

Where is the conservative/republica outrage about the (estimated 3 trillion spent on a misguided war in Iraq?( which will only strengthen Iran) That money could have been used here
But you get upset with this misguided outrage over the approx. 166/month/person on public assistance?

21%/ National Defense
21% Social Security
19% Medicare/Medicaid
9% Intersest on Debt
9% Safety Net programs: Earned Income Credit/Child Tax care Credits/ While AFDC amount to barely 1% of this

6% Va & Federal pensions
4% Education:eek:
3% Scientific Research/Nasa
2% Transportation/Infrasrtucture
1% Non Security International(Humanitarian

5% general Government

yeah yeah yeah yeah,,,,

yes i am one of those bitter americans obama labeled.
I must be from pennsylvania.
You were the one saying "make a woman have a baby even if she lives in a live in an "ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence".
I just pointed out that no one is making a girl get pregnant.

And if you don't think there is and has been a huge and growing sector of society living off the working for lifetimes or even generations than fine, believe what you want.

State your stats all day if you want.
Ive seen scores of people living like this in my lifetime.
166 dollars a month? yeah right ralph.
The trick, don't name the father on the BC and whatever you do don't get married.
But you believe what you want.
oh wow....

I didn't even know Lohan voiced her opinion on Palin.

I guess I just don't pay attention to those media outlets.


Closed Account
yeah yeah yeah yeah,,,,

yes i am one of those bitter americans obama labeled.
I must be from pennsylvania.
You were the one saying "make a woman have a baby even if she lives in a live in an "ghetto living,drug infested,HIV positive, gang banging,neglectful existence".
I just pointed out that no one is making a girl get pregnant.

And if you don't think there is and has been a huge and growing sector of society living off the working for lifetimes or even generations than fine, believe what you want.

State your stats all day if you want.
Ive seen scores of people living like this in my lifetime.
166 dollars a month? yeah right ralph.
The trick, don't name the father on the BC and whatever you do don't get married.
But you believe what you want.

Why not so much outrage over an estimated 3 trillion dollar war(which empowered one of or enemies Iran) & government bailouts of Wall Street businessess Republicans as a philosophy refuse to regulate?:dunno:

Believe what I want? It doesn't matter what I believe I gave you the reality that you are whining about less than or barely one(1)percent of the total federal budget. That's exactly how Republicans have duped voters into voting for perhaps one of the worst, if not THE worst, President in this countries history. Twice!

Getting voters worked up or morally outraged about social issues like GUNS,ABORTION, GAY RIGHTS,Religious issues,etc... & those so called "Parasites" who are scraping by with a little assistance from barely one(1) percent of the budget.

All the while they are fighting AGAINST Unions for big business, fighting AGAINST deregulation of Wall Street(we see what happens when no one is keeping a eye on them, giving tax breaks to corporations yet they still want to increase military spending for money we don't have & send us deeper in debt.

ALI called what Republicans are doing to their devoted (poor Appalachian & Southern whites) the "OkIE Doke" or the "Rope a Dope" . By getting their supporters (whose economic best interest are better served by Democrats) to focus their attention on a less significant issue while they KNOCK YOU OUT economically with their defense of Big business against Deregulation,Unionization,Tax breaks,etc....

So be my guest & keep falling for the old OKIE DOKE.:wave2:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Why not so much outrage over an estimated 3 trillion dollar war(which empowered one of or enemies Iran) & government bailouts of Wall Street businessess Republicans as a philosophy refuse to regulate?:dunno:

Why so much outrage over an estimated...

You, nor I, can do absolutely anything about it.
Why so much outrage over an estimated...

You, nor I, can do absolutely anything about it.

While it is too late to prevent whats already happened it's never too late to learn the lessons for the future.Don't support wars and ridiculous spending on the military and reject this idea that govt should deregulate(almost exclusively a republican agenda) and allow corporations to do the things that got us where we are now.Truth is many were warning against such a philosphy of deregulation for decades but since the rich have so much power and clout they got their way and here we are.People should be leaning out there windows and SCREAMING "I'm mad as hell and ain't gonna take this anymore".
If you end up on a bread line you will be outraged I'm sure.:eek: