I haven't been on freenones in awhile but I just did a search for Eve in the gallery section and saw she is currently ranked somewhere in the 20,000 range......wtf!?! There are other pornstars (not anywhere in the same league as Eve btw) that are STILL in the top 20 after about 5 years. I realize that she's only done a few new scenes recently but I still don't see how its possible for her to drop from the top 20 to that number in only a few years....especially with the die hard fanbase she has. She's the only pornstar that I check up on a regular basis and I know that's how it is with most of her fans. I call shenanigans on however it is that freeones is "supposedly" rating babes' popularity.
i do....... this world is a "what have you done for me lately one" .... what has eve done lately? people now want everything NOW NOW NOW and when they don't get it ,they move on.
THIS PAGE ALONE HAS 2 LINKS POSTED ON IT.... both are way old reposts, it's mostly TALK and i would not doubt that people have moved on... yet someone like pattycake who hasn't shown A THING NUDE and is a waste of a thread is probably way high on that ranking!