How does it feel georges? Being a paradoy of daily mail style propoganda?
1) Employers have to adjust wages in order to remain competitive
Wait, what? So what about when employers make people work for free? Oh wait, they deserve to be slaves because they're scum and organisations are good; it's better for financial institutions to be happy than people
but also you can't pay a poorly or mediocrely educated blue collar with the same wage than you pay an engineer, a lawyer or someone who has made studies. You will never understand what the individual effort is
Of course, you understand me, tell me what I understand :georges:
. Have all the employees shown a perfect efficiency, german discipline and reliability? Absolutely not. Some are always late and others are mostly taking pauses instead of working and shutting the fuck up. Does the mediocrity of socialism and its dumbing down of the whole society
You mean the mediocrity of Capitalism where prices go up and product quality goes down. Just look at the windows computer you're undoubtedly using and the fact that everyone who works with programming professionally uses linux or variants for their own use.
including managers and employees in firm makes them more clever? It makes them dumb and completely blind to what happens near them. If people are wealthy it is because they sacrificed a lot of their health, time and money to get this wealth
If people are wealthy it's because they had wealthy parents, exploited others, or did what you say.
But really, everybody should be able to get acceptably rich without sacrificing their wealth, time and money.
2) Oh yeah, and what about your fucking friends the soviets who were mostly eating shitty food, having poor quality made products and below average wages, how can you seem to forget that? Oh, it is nothing according to you:drama::sarcasm:But why don't you go fucking living with them?
Took your time getting to that, didn't you? The Soviet Union started with good intentions but then turned into mere state capitalism. Next.
You claim living in Germany
Yes, but not seriously. Pay attention, learn something and use your brain. Just for once in your life, please use your brain :georges:
but I highly doubt that you speak German
Used to speak Swiss-German. Don't any more, lack of practice. What's your point? Why don't we turn this around; why don't you speak Russian? Is it because you're a lazy ignorant capitalist parasite?
. More over, socialists are a burden for any society where they are in.
That's right; Socialists are parasites, but capitalists who don't pay tax on everything they earn, they're just awesome from start to finish.
Look at how miserably live the average Russians after the fall of communism,
Yes, look at how the Russians lived after the fall of "Communism" (already covered that, but didn't expect you to be paying attention). but back to your point; look at how the Russkis live after the fall of "Communism", how they live under capitalism. Wow. They live badly under capitalism. Just like the people of every other capitalist country. Thank you for so aptly making my point. I would never have believed you could do something succesfully, yet you did. Of course, you meant to prove the opposite point, but what could one expect from somebody who so narrow-mindedly insists that capitalism works.
yet you still like a dingbat continue to promote an economical regime which failed on all levels
Been over this; we haven't really seen Communism, the USSR was state-capitalism. Lets turn this around; show me where capitalism is successful.
3) You always need to be better than other and have more relationships in order to get the better job or better visit card
What's a visit card?
if you want to succeed. If you are not used to work in a nervy, stressful and highly unpredictable world you will not grow up the ladder
4) Communism has been the equal distribution of misery since decades,
Hasn't really been seen
quality of goods that communism produced is poor
So capitalism produces such good quality goods eh? Like the ubiquitous windows computer? Like the ubiquitous shitty-battery iphone?
and the values of communism are violating what is relative to privacy and individual success.
capitalism violates individual success; monopolies dominate the market, preventing individuals starting up new business, depriving the populace of better quality goods and services.
If some people have private jets, it is because unlike and all the socialist/commie dingbats that they busted their asses off and worked hard
The people I referred to recently with private jets were the Saudi monarchs. Think they earned it?
. Meritocracy is regime that gives the people who deserve things, things they need to be deserved, and so should it be
Indeed, people should get what they deserve. under capitalism, they don't. capitalism is NOT a meritocracy. Dingbat.
I've no idea why I reason with you and present examples, since you'll only ever ignore them and blindly believe like a sheep, continually spouting your daily mail style paranoia.
I wouldn't be surprised if you ban me for calling you a dingbat, despite the fact it's apparently acceptable for you to call me one.
You have a very serious problem with people making money.
Wrong. Also patronising, telling me my own attitudes. Not paying attention; I want people to make money. capitalism means that only a few can.
You have not shot down any of my examples because at some point you think they make too much.
Tell me which examples i've failed on? Lets go one better; lets see which examples of mine you shot down; The NHS vs american medicine. I've seen sources before showing that the NHS provides better quality care than american medicine. You gave a mere one source. There are sources which prove the opposite. I'll find them. meanwhile, I'll give a mere 3 examples to make it easier for you;
1) How does superior capitalism not make it into space before inferior Communism?
2)Why are companies nationalised when they're at risk of failing if private industry knows best?
3) If capitalism is so good then why is the world so fucked up?
It is not fair or prudent to establish a limit of potential.
Really? Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem fair to the public or aspiring businesses that Microsoft dominates the market. capitalism itself limits potential.
We both agree that there are crooks but they should be dealt with on an individual basis. The paper boy might be paid for delivering 200 papers a day. He scatters 10 undelivered amongst his route per day. So every 3-4 weeks I miss a paper
that you use as an example? Here's another example; you buy something off Itunes. Change your system and you have to buy it again. capitalism frequently forces people to purchase things multiple times.
, or have yesterday and today's paper delivered at the same time. The kid has cut his time by 5% and being paid for it. That's how he cheats you. Ever been short changed by a cashier? Do you think they are all honest mistakes?
Yes I have and yes I think it's an honest mistake because only an idiot risks his job by stealing a few pennies from the tills. Let me ask you this; how old is your mobile phone? Everything you pay good money for is built to break so that you have to buy it again; that is capitalism cheating you much worse as a system than mere individuals or small businesses ever could. THAT is why businesses should be kept small.
Mechanic pumps extra shit onto a job to get overtime to finish the work. That's cheating. Boss is told the mechanics estimate and calls the customer to go ahead with the job or not. Boss doesn't take every car apart and look at all of the work. He has to rely upon the judgement of his workers.
Horseshit; mechanic is more likely to take pride in his job because it's
his work. Boss is more likely to push for a job done fast at the expense of quality, to ensure that the parts are poor quality, yet charged at the price of full quality parts.
You want to limit how many pizza places I can build. Why? If I can still deliver the quality that got me to 10 places then why not 20 or 50?
Because you can't deliver quality over a massive area; look at all our industries and see the problems with them. because (and I think I'm telling you this for more than the tenth time) you stop smaller businesses starting up, smaller businesses that keep things competitive.capitalism doesn't work without competition, remember?
If I take the risk of sacrificing quality then it is at my risk. A shitty pizza will not sell even if it is the only one in town.
Yes, it will. Squallumz is a chef, ask him about even the best restaurants. You'll learn.
Just because I have 50 pizza places doesn't mean that I have a monopoly. You can open one up right next door to me and put that location of mine out of business. Make your money and set up next door to another of my locations and do the same.
Does mean you can compete on better grounds; buy in bulk for better value, drive down wages because staff can be fired easier because they can be provided from other restaurants in your chain.
Let's say that 15 people want to set up shop on the same block. Does the government know enough about pizza to make a decision of how many places can be sustained?
Yes, it does.
It could be 3 or 6. Or does the government give all 15 people the money as equal and fair distribution to the people that want to do this?
|Honestly? I don't know. The government would employ experts who would know. Look, I've given you a million examples of capitalism failing, at least do the honourable thing and provide me the examples where it is a success.
You somehow have this idea that government should have the answers for everything in society.
Why not? we pay for them. Maybe you think businesses should do that? Look at Britain; they outsourced many tihngs to private industry. That includes the benefits system. Hey presto! Instead of benefit cheats individually cheating the system, the business falsely claims to have found individuals work when they found it themselves in order to get cash from the government, so that instead of individuals haphazardly cheating the system, we have business doing it in an organised way. Not only that, but ATOS declares people fit to work. When they're dead. Business can't do shit properly, government is the best option.
They don't. Not here, there or anywhere. They simply can't.
Prove it. Prove business can do it? Because people had the same idea in England. It's your baby, so pay attention;
That is too much responsibility to put upon any institution. When they try many times they fail.
We've been over this; business fails more often than it succeeds.
There are many ways to get government money for things here in USA. From education to starting businesses to selling to the government. Free money to those that want it. Try getting in on this. 45 pages of shit to get $5000 start up to open a business. Every nut, bolt, light bulb, location with demographic survey, soil test, and every other kind of shit must be submitted to complete the paperwork to even hit the first desk. That money sits idle and not used because it's a pain in the ass to get the free money. Why wait 18 months for the government to make their decision? I'd rather take it out of my own pocket and make the risk now.
What if you don't have the money? Wait, I've got it, lets de-regulate business, then they can sell kids poison milk. familiar with the unhealthiness of the flavoured milk used in american schools as compared to normal milk? seriously, I'm sick of giving examples; grow up and pay attention; capitalism is failing.
Here's a famous example. A woman was making meals to send to elderly disabled people from her own kitchen. She had local stores sending food and packaging over to her and volunteers delivering to those people. Even with another volunteer helping in the kitchen, the demand ran past the 120 meals she was sending out per day. She applied and got a grant for $5000 to expand her kitchen and get more industrial size cooking equipment in order to serve more people. The government started stomping down on her for all kinds of shit. She had to have the portions regulated by size. Well balanced to include all food groups in her distributions. Some people didn't want the fruit or milk that she was commanded to distribute to the people. She was not allowed to distribute any meal without both of these. That with a number of other regulations made it a nightmare for her to serve the people. She and her group decided to raise $5000, pay the government and get them off their backs and go back to normal.
See what I said before about deregulating industry. Unless perhaps you think industry can self-regulate? The banks were self-regulating before the collapse. The private security industry is self-regulating. Look at what they did in iraq, Afghan, etc to their employees, to their employers (eg governments) and to the populace. how many more examples do I have to give while you give a poultry one or two?
Poor, poor me. The disadvantaged worker that puts in his 40 hours just like the big boys and I don't have a jet. This is what I'm hearing from you. Jealousy. I don't have a jet and couldn't give a shit about those that do. 40 hours of work gives you 40 hours of pay.
So you're saying that those who
have jets work so well in their 40 hours that they've earned them? Bullshit! you can only get that much money from exploiting others, which is the entire basis of capitalism. Know what else? The example i gave of jet and chase jet was the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Why don't you tell me that they work hard and deserve all they own. Better yet, try telling it to the poor, exploited, abused, disenfranchised and disenchanted Saudi populace. Yeah, tripped up big style there, didn't you? Not only that, but in an earlier population you said corporations needed to cut the fat, including private jets to conferences when video chat. Now you're defending private jets. Fucking sort it out mate.
If you want more than you have to do more. Sometimes you have to sacrifice. Sacrifice is a part of the risk/rewards system.
People are sacrificing too much with too little risk for too little reward. Tell me otherwise.
My main job is driving a forklift overnight. Nothing glamorous. A nice secure position where I punch in, do the shit I'm told and then go home. I have my medical plan and matching retirement plan with it.
Then why the fuck aren't you with the socialists out of self-interest alone?
I also have a district that I do merchandising assignments that doesn't pay well but I make my own hours. This is a "work as it comes" type of a job. Some weeks are slow yet some are a bust your ass and get out there in the field if you want to make money. I take advantage of these times. Between the 2 I can rack up 90 hours a week for a 3 week span. Yea, that's working like a dog. Get to work at 11PM, get out at 7AM, hit my stores till 6PM, crash and start it again
You work stupid hours for too little reward. Why are you defending the system that forces you to do that? Think.
. At he end of these streaks I can kick back and enjoy some down time. Do a small getaway with money already in the bank. In a month or 2 it's time to do it all again. I'm very happy with it. I also do freelance writing. Horse racing stuff that will pay $30-50 bucks for shit I write and sell in my spare time. Once or twice a month just as money for track playing.
Most of my life has been in retail management. Pay was very good but I decided to change to my current format. I may work more hours but my time freedom is worth it. Management is not 40 hours. Boss tells you to stay and you must stay. This rings true all the way up the ladder
|Then why, when the planes hit the twin towers, were so many executives playing golf instead of working?
. You are always on call to make a decision or be called back to work. Don't think that the people at the top are not responsible for being on call. If one of my 20 pizza places is on fire I have a responsibility to be there. Drop my shit and handle the situation.
Really? gonna get in there with a bucket of water?
I have had many opportunities to go back to management but the shit isn't worth it
damn right, 'cos you were only middle-management. it's the guys at the top of the chain who take it easy and profit of
your hard work. Not just the guys who worked for you when you were in management. You may have seen a difference between yourself and your workers when you were in management retail, but your bosses didn't. That's capitalism. It shits on everyone and tells them to be grateful. Stupidly you've swallowed it hook line and sinker. You thought you were better than you're employees because you got more, but in reality you were no different. "First they came for the jews... and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew."
. Let the guys upstairs deal with that shit. I'm on vacation and will see you on Monday. That kind of freedom is well better spent in my apartment then in a large house.