Erin Andrews nude videos filmed through a peephole

Yesterday a video posted on the site NSFW POA (NSFW, obvs.) hinted that a naked blonde woman videotaped through a hotel peephole was a popular sports personality. ESPN lawyers pounced. Maybe we should mention the woman looks like Erin Andrews.

Erin Andrews' Attorney Speaks

Well, the mystery is solved, I guess. Yes, that was Erin Andrews on the video circulating around. Yes, they're pressing charges. The direct quote from the attorney circulating via PR newswire after the jump:

"While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similary violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities."

As much as I'ld like to see her naked . . . this is just wrong. I think I know where the vids can be found, but I'm not going to download them . . . . . . . at least, I don't think I am .


Land Of The Snakes
i see her on ESPN all the time and she has small boobs and a Flat ass. so this chick to me looks like her.
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She's alright... nice legs and ass... and yes, it's pretty creepy that the vid was taken in this manner. Whomever took it should be punished.
Can't bring myself to look at the clip. She did not consent to be filmed nude. Kind of gross really, and I am normally thought of as a pervert. It is also kind of stupid to have even shared in the first place. If the person who filmed this is found out, they will at the very least lose their job and get shamed in the court of public opinion. Worse case scenario is to be put in jail as I am sure this is not the first instance of this person being a peeping tom.


milf n' cookies
Erin is a very beautiful woman! :lovecoupl


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
The person who took this video should be publicly executed. Seriously. this type of perverted behavior should not be tolerated. let this jerk be an example for the rest. How many women without ESPN's legal power have been videoed and exploited? Fuck this guy or these guys. Their time in our society is up.
That is just wrong. I'm not even going to justify watching the clip. I hope ESPN has their lawyers tear this guy a new one.
Two words, fucked up". I admit to watching so I could judge for myself but after a about a min...personal decency kicked in and I stopped.
It seems to me that the site, Deadspin, seems to have an unhealthy obsession/stalker mentality toward Erin Andrews. There's about 3 different stories about her all trying to make her look *bad* or unflattering.

Why doesn't this website leave her the fuck alone? I really hope a bunch of piece of shit male bloggers and paparazzi don't spend all the time in their pathetic lives trying to fuck with her marriage and bring about divorce (much like what happened with Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey)..
Two words, fucked up". I admit to watching so I could judge for myself but after a about a min...personal decency kicked in and I stopped.
You might be in trouble if her lawyers and ESPN get a hold of the ip addresses that watched the video or visited the link where the video was uploaded to.

Will E Worm

People should know by now, when they go to a hotel they need to close the shades, curtains, and cover the peephole.

It's just good common sense. ;)
You might be in trouble if her lawyers and ESPN get a hold of the ip addresses that watched the video or visited the link where the video was uploaded to.

No sir. First of all I would face no criminal jeopardy and what would be their cause of action civilly against someone viewing something with no intrinsic value at an upload site?

The best thing that could be done on their part is to seek an injunction to bar the site(s) from showing it.

Problem with that is finding all of these sites and making sure they pinned down the description that titled the vid she was in.

You can't hold some viewer liable as they could merely have inadvertantly or erroneously chosen the wrong vid or a vid that was titled differently from what they expected.

Even if....what would be the remedy? She's not claiming some intrinsic value to the vid for which she is owed per viewing but merely that it's an invasion of her privacy.

As awful as the invasion was, I'm not even sure it's illegal as the author of the vid didn't create a circumstance to violate her privacy. The author didn't create the peephole (which would have been a problem) but merely put a cam up to something that was in plane view. Now if the person who did this is run down, the only problem may be that she had an expectation of privacy...but that will be an enormous burden to overcome since the individual didn't violate a space but simply peered through a glass..which theorectically anyone could have walked by and done.

Maybe the effect of this will be that people will cover their peepholes now. But the victims who had to endure this invasion to get to that point may just be out of luck.

The biggest problem with your assumption is the assumption that everyone knows who Erin Andrews is and that the vid is an actual invasion and not staged before hand.
Even if it were true (that ESPN would prosecute *viewers* of this a la Napster) I think having Erin Andrews on my record, and "doing a nickel in the joint" because of her, would actually boost my street cred and make me a hero :thumbsup:

Do not request illegal material.
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Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Okay didnt know there is another thread with this. So again:


The next poster that posts/requests and/or explains how to get a certain illegally taken video will get banned without receiving any further warning!

There may be a case on criminal voyeurism as it's a statute but being a public figure I think even as egregious a violation as this is...she may be out of luck civilly.

The courts generally believe people who make themselves available as public figures should expect these kinds of "invasions" and therefore take more precautions than non public figures who don't expect these kinds of invasions.

Sad but true. Now the court of public outrage may result in jury nullification in which the jury says damn the law we want to make the bastid pay for this but as a civil matter it doesn't look good.

The guy who made the vid owns there's no infringement cause of action ...I guess we'll havta see how it turns out...