Hey guys
I am still here. I was in the hospital and had to have surgery on my leg. I broke my tib and fib and had to have plates and screws put it....let's just say it wasn't much fun...at all.
I am sorry for the lack of new things hitting the net. All of my new stuff has been staying on my site. I will have to see about getting some of the new stuff that is on my site floating about the net.
I haven't been feeling well at all. I am in a lot of pain and I spend a lot of time laying down with my foot up
I am going back to the dr on Wednesday for some new x rays and I should know more then.....I will be sure to keep you posted.
When I have a little more energry i will get some pics up on here too of the new stuff. I think it's really some great work I shot with some very talented people for my new ericacampbell.com sets and they really did a wonderful job!
I had a really bad day today with my leg. It seems I just can't stop the pain or get comfortable. This has been one of the hardest days so far. I am SOOOOOOOOO bummed out. I had so many shoots coming up and a birthday party in CA

Now I am stuck at home and I can't really get around well at all. Couch, bathroom, bed.....bed, bathroom, couch. lol that's pretty much my life right now.
I sure hope to hear quickly....BUT...I did break both bones in half and had a ton of bone shards in my leg. It's not fun. I have some members on my site that have had broken legs and their advice has been quite helpful! I may or may not have to have a second surgery. I sure hope not...please keep your fingers crossed for me on this one...i will also be sure to let you know what I find out on wednesday.