well she believes in magic, thanks kinda funny
what makes you think she is happy though, just because she stopped being a model and converted to Christianity what makes you think she is happy? are their no unhappy Christians?
Sorry about this, your in titled to your opinion but, It would be reasonable to assume that no one here knows except for what we've heard through the PinGlam grapevine, Happy or otherwise.
We all miss Erica but can we get over the Christianity thing already.
What we should take away from this is that either way, ostensibly "Erica's" modelling career was not fulfilling and probably harming her social life and future.
In my ill informed opinion it seemed that the modelling was not on the top of her list anymore and was more of a hindrance. and had to end ....But what do I know?:dunno:
She had the Balls to jump in the modelling ring and she had the Balls to get out.
From a girl who had to eat her lunch in a stall in the bathroom at school to World famous Model, Its a shame she couldn't have ended on that high and lived happily ever after. So post about saying she's brainwashed and a fool is a bit spiteful. I'm not asking you to stop...Im just disappointed in you , tsk!
But Hey! "c'est da vida loca"

... we have are own lives to live and loved ones to worry about. Good luck to her
Come on people now............. smile on your brother......everybody get together, and try to love one another right now...