Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

What I can't get my head around is the manner in which she went out of the business - She was so up for her new site and in a matter of a few days about five actually - she was up and gone - not going to forsake her fans she said! - but i'm afraid she has!!
It was O.K. to keep in touch on this board and beg her fans when she wanted votes to get her some loot but now it doesn't matter when she dosen't need us.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

The way she left the business - it could've been handeled nicer. It left a bad taste in many people's mouths.
One day she was there, the next day she was gone.
Few words to her huge fanbase every once in a while would not kill her and it would make a lot of people happy, just to hear from her how she's doing.

I don't expect her to return modelling, but just a simple hi from her would be awesome.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

I can understand how she might of had to go out 'cold turkey' if she was afraid of letting herself stay in touch with the industry, for fear of going back to it. Many of us truly enjoyed her as a person and are still genuinely concerned about her well being. We just miss our Erica, and hope she is well.

And it was very sudden; I was on a chat with her about 3 days before the launch of her new site and she gave no indication whatsoever about being unhappy or of any doubts.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

I can understand how she might of had to go out 'cold turkey' if she was afraid of letting herself stay in touch with the industry, for fear of going back to it. Many of us truly enjoyed her as a person and are still genuinely concerned about her well being. We just miss our Erica, and hope she is well.

And it was very sudden; I was on a chat with her about 3 days before the launch of her new site and she gave no indication whatsoever about being unhappy or of any doubts.

if she was afraid of letting herself stay in touch with the industry
She's still in touch with the industry if she is still talking to Pinup files!!! She must know that they are still posting pics of her!
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Hi Hexham!

I guess what I should of said was - "keep in touch with her fans" then. She cared alot about her fans, I believe. That's why we cared about her. You rarely ever see the fans of other models go on following them after they quit the biz.

She was a smart woman, I think that is why she got along with Danni Ashe so well. She may be getting residual checks from some shoots. And it's not just PU releasing old sets, there are a number of other photographers out there with unreleased sets that show up every so often.

And, I doubt that she will come back 'when money gets tight'. She doesn't strike me as that way.

I do wish there was a way to hear from her directly and not second hand.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

I doubt that she will come back 'when money gets tight'. She doesn't strike me as that way.

I do wish there was a way to hear from her directly and not second hand.

I don't think that money will be tight for her - it was reported that she was earning $25,000 a month at the height of her career - I know she had over 400 members on her site so that would return a considerable sum for her!!!
I don't begrudge a cent of that - for she gave pleasure to all of us fans - she did say though that she would not forsake us - but she has!!! All she has to do is is come on and say what going on in her life - she doesn't have to answer any questions!!! I suppose that is asking too much though!!


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

if she was afraid of letting herself stay in touch with the industry
She's still in touch with the industry if she is still talking to Pinup files!!! She must know that they are still posting pics of her!

It's not really "staying in touch with the industry" She is a personal friend and she stays in touch the way personal friends do, regardless of what industry each party is in.

Yes, she is aware we still have photos of her (like many people do) but she is NOT coming back, have no illusions.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

She did become religious and changed her life completely, but she's not remotely the crazy whackjob some people have made her out to be. I still chat with her (did just today, in fact) and she's doing well.

Ummm...maybe that's true. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt your telling the truth and assuming what you say is true I still say probably a lot more went on than that and we were never given the full picture. There are just too many things that are coincidental in their timing and other things that don't add up about the situation. I have nothing against Erica. She is one of my favorite models ever and she seemed like a genuinely nice person. Maybe it's possible she even had good important reasons to not tell us everything, but I'm just calling it like I see it. I would also say that she had so much good will and people generally liked her enough that baring her doing something very awful, which is doubtful, if she just explained everything back then nobody would have really cared that much. People would have more than not wished her well on the rest of her life, which a lot of people did anyhow.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

It's not really "staying in touch with the industry" She is a personal friend and she stays in touch the way personal friends do, regardless of what industry each party is in.

Yes, she is aware we still have photos of her (like many people do) but she is NOT coming back, have no illusions.


Hopefully if you say it enough times, people will start to believe and understand. Thanks for always keeping a cool head when this comes up.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

My last words on the subject - or should I say Erica's

"I want you ALL to know that I love you very ARE MY FRIENDS! I want you to know God.....I want you to get out of this darkness...this saddness and follow the word of God. There is ONLY ONE WAY OUT!

I will not abandon you......

As always my email address to ALL of my friends and fans is:".

But she doesn't answer.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

My last words on the subject - or should I say Erica's

"I want you ALL to know that I love you very ARE MY FRIENDS! I want you to know God.....I want you to get out of this darkness...this saddness and follow the word of God. There is ONLY ONE WAY OUT!

I will not abandon you......

As always my email address to ALL of my friends and fans is:".

But she doesn't answer.

I will not abandon you, yet she abandoned her fans...yea, thats religion for ya. Empty promises being delivered in 5..4..3..2..
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

My god people. Get off of it! Erica Campbell owes no one on this board ANYTHING. Those of you who paid to be part of her site, you got what you paid for. Those of us who didn't got alot of great stuff for free. She doesn’t need to explain, coddle, answer or otherwise acknowledge that you exist. The only reason any of you ever cared about her is because she showed her amazing body to the world. She has made a life changing decision and has decided to stop doing this. You don’t care for her as a person, if you did, you would respect her decision. Your insistence on her contacting her fans and not “abandoning” us shows that you are only using her to fulfill something that is missing in your own life, like a word from her will make you feel like you’re worthwhile. Find a different way to validate your life other than getting shallow almost scripted sentiments from adult stars… just because a hot woman responds to your inquiry doesn’t mean she cares about you; it means she cares about her business, and Erica Campbell has made it perfectly clear, she quit her job.

If you care about her as a person, at all, respect her enough to respect and understand her decision.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

My god people. Get off of it! Erica Campbell owes no one on this board ANYTHING. Those of you who paid to be part of her site, you got what you paid for. Those of us who didn't got alot of great stuff for free. She doesn’t need to explain, coddle, answer or otherwise acknowledge that you exist. The only reason any of you ever cared about her is because she showed her amazing body to the world. She has made a life changing decision and has decided to stop doing this. You don’t care for her as a person, if you did, you would respect her decision. Your insistence on her contacting her fans and not “abandoning” us shows that you are only using her to fulfill something that is missing in your own life, like a word from her will make you feel like you’re worthwhile. Find a different way to validate your life other than getting shallow almost scripted sentiments from adult stars… just because a hot woman responds to your inquiry doesn’t mean she cares about you; it means she cares about her business, and Erica Campbell has made it perfectly clear, she quit her job.

If you care about her as a person, at all, respect her enough to respect and understand her decision.

i do not care about her as a person, i dont know her, i care about her as much as i care about u, i mean i dont want her to die or anything like that but i have no feelings for her, but i do like her breasts a lot and i wish she would continue to show them, because i dont care about her i dont really care about her choice, and becuz i dont care about her choice and i only care about her boobs i want her to stop what shes doing and continue too show them.

and yes i am using her for something in my life, my love of boobs on the internet and my love of masterbation

your right, she doesn't OWE anybody anything, but that doesn't mean i can't want her to get her ass back on here and show her boobs and every day she doesn't im going to bitch and complain about it. that being said
