Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

EricaCampbell said:
hey guys :)

I am out in CA shooting so I should have some really great new sets coming out soon :)

I'm glad you got a lot of sets in our gallery. Gives me something to use my points on as you are more precious than any DVD. For you are our friend and a good/positive star member on our board.

:hatsoff: My :2 cents:
Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

The same reason you wasted time posting that I'm guessing... to bump the thread.
Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

Bump (internet)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To bump a thread on an internet forum is to post a reply in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads. This is also called "necroposting", i.e. thread necromancy, or "gravedigging", as old threads are said to be dying or dead.

Typically, a thread may be bumped after it has received no replies in several days, or when other, perhaps less significant threads have knocked it off the front page.

Thread bumping, which in its most open form is simply a post consisting of the word "bump", is commonly considered a breach of netiquette and some moderated forums forbid it. Users may get around that by posting what is ostensibly a genuine reply. Sometimes this will mockingly contain the word "bump" in it, such as *Is wandering the forum when he bumps into this thread*. It may also take the form of a trivial question or response such as "Anyone?", rather than using the word "bump" which makes clear their intention.

In other instances, bumping is used to keep threads deemed important from falling off a front page. In this case, bumping would not be a breach of netiquette; to the contrary, it may be seen as a necessary if mundane task to be performed.

BUMP is sometimes used as a backronym for "Bring Up My Post/Postcount" or as a recursive acronym "Bump Up My Post".


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

I just shot with Aimee sweet, Crissy m, aria g, and jelena j :) I can't wait to start leaking these ones! I JUST got home today so it will be a few weeks...but I think it will be worth the wait! AWESOME sets!

Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

EricaCampbell said:
I just shot with Aimee sweet, Crissy m, aria g, and jelena j :) I can't wait to start leaking these ones! I JUST got home today so it will be a few weeks...but I think it will be worth the wait! AWESOME sets!


Wow, that a pretty good group there. It's almost like a dream team of models.
Re: The beautiful Erica Campbell

Orion74205 said:
Ancient, so bloody ancient, you even looked to see whats been posted before?
you're right, i should go through 70+ pages before i post anything.
this thread isn't only for new galleries, it's for appreciating Erica's work.. old and new.