How is it going Roald, How are you feeling?
[B][URL=" said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 5918854, member: 114093"]I especially love it when he tries to stick the remote in his ass.
I especially love it when he tries to stick the remote in his ass.
He probably has an anal remote fetish!![]()
But...but... I don't like neg repping ppl!!! Sup everybody. Soooo... where the fuck HAVE I been???
Who doesn't!!!.
You like sticking remotes in your Ass?!?
Who doesn't!!!.
who doesn't!!!
But in all honesty, people don't dare neg rep us because they think we'll ban them. So the only person (aside squallumz who neg repped him last week in retaliation for Roald negative repping me) who ever neg reps roald is me and vice versa.
Though Dirk did grow some and neg rep me some time ago too.
I heard that Roald breaks down at his desk and cries every time someone negative reps him.
Coincidentally, I also heard that the sound of people weeping makes Petra laugh uncontrollably while pointing at the weeper.
Further, Petra moved her desk so she can keep Roald's in view at all times.
Roald is a delicate flower, who wilts in the direct sunlight of criticism and perceived slights.
So I am happy to neg rep the shit out of him, just to smell the salt of his tears of grief.