My energy drink is called water.
So is mine. I don't drink any of the ones listed or coffee and soda is pretty much non-existent at my house.
My energy drink is called water.
Red Bull... with a hangover is heaven!
it really helps a hangover?
I rarely drink them, there even more expensive here, until the price gets reasonable I won't be doing business.just out of principle
Redbull with jager! :glugglug:
I used to drink monster during the day at work, but then I stopped cause I didn't see the point in spending 3 bucks on some shit that just made me more tired than before.
Why would you want to ruin Jagermeister by adding Red Bull? :eek:
Engery drinks mixed with alcohol doesn't make much sense to me. I used to love vodka Red Bull until I realised how much it was fucking with me.
Damn Strait. I never got mixing drinks, unless you're using it as a chaser.:dunno:
I don't know about coffee grounds, but have you ever tried chocolate-covered coffee beans? Those are AWESOME!
Those are delicious, I agree!! As for the grounds. I'll sometimes eat a spoonful if I'm too lazy to make coffee. My problem with making coffee is that it comes out hot, and I usually don't like hot drinks. I like drinking my coffee iced. If I'm in an office and don't have any ice, I've got to put it in the freezer after I make it. By the time it gets cold, I've wasted a lot of time. So like I said, I'll just eat grounds for a little burst of energy.
Damn, that's hardcore! The closest to that I've ever gotten is, at the supermarket, where they have the coffee bean dispensers, I like to pick out one bean from each dispenser and chew it. That's not necessarily for energy, I just like that.