Eliminate a Country

+ Hungary
- Trinidad & Tobago


Peru has been eliminated

Only one vote per hour or update, whichever occurs first. You may not double hurt/heal any countries. If you've already voted you may not vote with an alt. If I catch you any future votes will not be counted.

your reply:

+ (country)
- (country)

the + gains 5
the - loses 10

This will continue till only one country is left.

Austria 120
Bangladesh 20
Bhutan 100
Cambodia 320
Canada 420
Colombia 315
Costa Rica 100
Croatia 5
Czech Republic 385
Denmark 390
Dominican Republic 135
Finland 30
Greece 295
Hungary 390
Iceland 300
Ireland 385
Jamaica 130
Japan 430
Madagascar 355
Malaysia 135
Moldova 195
Mongolia 320
Morocco 60
Netherlands 210
Norway 130
Philippines 70
Poland 100
Portugal 90
Romania 385
Samoa 155
Scotland 505
Slovakia 65
Slovenia 75
South Africa 225
South Korea 120
Spain 130
Sri Lanka 110
Sweden 200
Switzerland 175
Thailand 320
Togo 340
Tonga 350
Trinidad and Tobago 125
Venezuela 210