Election updates


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
He's an interesting cat for sure. Maybe he'll propose a bill to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Should make for good theater. :popcorn:
Coons beats O'Donnell in Delaware Senate race

:sing:Ding-dong the wiccan's dead...which old wiccan?...the wicked wiccan...ding-dong the wiccan's finally deaddd:sing:

Or is she Buddhist now?:confused::facepalm:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
BTW, interview with Rand tonight, he was asked what he want's to do first when he gets to Washington... he replied, "Introduce a balanced budget amendment."

I like this motherfucker. He's EXACTLY what this shitty town needs :glugglug:

I would not agree at all with your assessment of him en total but a balanced budget amendment would get my full support. If the USA was a business we'd have been in Chapter 13 decades ago. One simple rule anyone who runs a household budget should know....if you don't have the money for it, don't buy it!!!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
But I wanna buy it!!! *cries like a baby*
I would not agree at all with your assessment of him en total but a balanced budget amendment would get my full support. If the USA was a business we'd have been in Chapter 13 decades ago. One simple rule anyone who runs a household budget should know....if you don't have the money for it, don't buy it!!!

Don't be ridiculous. That's what credit cards are for. There are no repercussions for buying everything on credit, right? I mean, honestly, what could go wrong with a plan like that?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
He's an interesting cat for sure. Maybe he'll propose a bill to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Should make for good theater. :popcorn:

And it would be long overdue!
Civil rights civil schmites! Enough with this protection of terrorists BS!
I'm sick and tired of the GOP and their talking points. I'm watching MSNBC's coverage and they have been talking to a number of GOP members and every time one of the anchors ask for a specific answer the GOP member just goes into a talking point and doesn't answer the damn question. They brought on Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, and Marsha Blackburn and none of them were able to give specific answers to questions.:mad:


^ Because they don't have any answers.

Republican: "Stop spending money, no bailouts, fix economy, etc."

Interviewer: "Well how do you propose we fix that?"

Republican: "Err...we no likey Obamer. We just want opposite of whatever he wants, so the opposite of what he does must work, right?"
Interviewer: What specifically do you propose though"

Republican: "Hmm...?"
^ Because they don't have any answers.

Republican: "Stop spending money, no bailouts, fix economy, etc."

Interviewer: "Well how do you propose we fix that?"

Republican: "Err...we no likey Obamer. We just want opposite of whatever he wants, so the opposite of what he does must work, right?"
Interviewer: What specifically do you propose though"

Republican: "Hmm...?"

Hey, that sounds familiar.............oh yeah that's what happened 4 years ago except it was the Democrats and Bush rather than Republicans and Obama.
I'm flipping back and forth between Local political coverage and national political coverage (MSNBC and CNN), and all I see are these shit eatin' grinned Republicans claiming that there will be "real transparency, a real working partnership, no more gridlock...." :facepalm:

After 2 years of saying NO on everything, now it's time to work together :facepalm:

I guess the Republicans have prepared for victory for weeks, and have had the time to circulate the same victory talking points nationally and locally :crying:

We are going to see gridlock in Washington on an unprecedented scale. It will be amusing to hear the Democrats go on the offensive for the next two years and tear apart all the stupid stuff the Republicans try to get through Congress. :yesyes:

Prepare for another shutdown of the Government, peeps...
It will be amusing to hear the Democrats go on the offensive for the next two years and tear apart all the stupid stuff the Republicans try to get through Congress. :yesyes:

Keep dreaming t/r...I laughed at Demos like Maddow and Olbermann laying claim to the destruction of the Republican party when half way through the Demo congressional take over...Demos still couldn't establish a coherent battle plan with the enormous number of targets GOPers just laid up for them.

Secondly, goofy Demos couldn't even defend keeping the damned country out of a worse recession or even depression and explain how unemployment was worse under Reagan after Carter...How they hell are they going to attack anything?? I mean the banking system was bankrupt and two thirds of our auto industry was too...when Obama took over and Demos couldn't explain why unemployment wouldn't just magically stop going higher without policies??

GOPers decry stimulus and get the know-nothings in the electorate inflamed but don't say a single syllable about what they would have done differently.

We're back to politics as usual...GOPers wiping the floors with disorganized Demos...while Demos wait for GOPers to fuck shit completely up again so Americans can resort to them again.

I frankly think GOPers lost in the last election cycles because they just got bored with fucking shit up and tired of Demos not being able to beat them on it.
Mega, the Republicans don't have any real power. :dunno: The Dems SHOULD take the gavel away from Harry Reid, in the Senate, and give it to a much more Liberal, Big Name...someone who will torment the Republicans.

Bills that pass the House don't become auto law. They get voted in the Senate too, they get combined behind closed doors, and then the combined bill gets sent to the president.

It is much easier to criticize then it is to defend. It's harder to articulate "change," as we've seen, and what really is the GOP going to do? They don't have any new ideas, and they have problems getting people to take their old ideas seriously today.

If the Bush tax cuts get passed again--they will increase the deficit. How can the GOP, having just campaigned about deficit reduction, increase the deficit on Day 1? I'd like to watch them squirm and see how they sell that...:popcorn:
He's an interesting cat for sure. Maybe he'll propose a bill to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Should make for good theater. :popcorn:

Given he's a libertarian I can also almost see where his answer would be a shrug if some politicians wanted to resegregate schools, and all the rest of the aspects of America.
He's just one lone wolf in the Senate. He will quickly learn that he is a Junior senator with no committee responsibility and no voice on anything. He will find it a bit of a challenge finding Senate Republicans to work with. The Dems will just laugh in his face and tell him to fuck off (aka the Cheney kiss off ;) ) Probably only sadsack Joe The Leper Lieberman will be the only Senator who will pass him the donuts...