Elder Scrolls IV - Champion of the Fighters Guild

Does anyone know how to get the Champion of the Fighters Guild achievement? It's the last achievement before I start the Shivering Isles.

I'm already Master of the Fighters Guild.
Champion is the rank before Master so you should already have it. :confused:
I must have dashed off to another duty and just never asked for an advancement. Looks like I'll have to do the whole fighters guild quests again!

I must have that last achievement!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I must have dashed off to another duty and just never asked for an advancement. Looks like I'll have to do the whole fighters guild quests again!

I must have that last achievement!

You already surpassed it, o blind one.

In case you didnt actually read that.. or the post right above your last one..

Dark Prince? Who was that? I know I did all the Fighters Guild Quests, but I don't remember any Dark Prince.
Oh, wait... nevermind, I'm an idiot. I thought you meant the arena fights- that's where you'll fight the dark prince

You mean, the GREY prince, the Orc? I still use his sword in the game, I used it to become MadGod of the Shivering Isles.
There's an achievement for beating the grey prince (it took 20-30 seconds)

But that achievement for becoming Champion of the fighters guild I didn't get, I think the game might have glitched, although I got the Rank of it there was no achievement.

Anyway, I kicked the grey prince's ass a long time ago. Seemed like a nice Orc.
Oh, the pointless achievements for the XBox 360...

That is one of the many reasons I prefer the PC version.
It doesn't make a perfectionist out of me!
59/60 Achievements unlocked. I can't be bothered to re-play Shivering Isles for a single achievement.
You might have skipped a mission but if you have the master acheivment then ull have 2 start a new character and redo the entire guild. Same thing happened to me with the theif's guild
To people playing this on 360: if the Harlum's Watch Quest glitches, you don't get the Champion Achievement.

In 14 hours I did all the Fighters Guild Quests, became arena champion and did the Main Quest.
what are the two strongest weapons any of you came across? and are there any good sigil stones? the only ones i've been getting are the soul traps and fire and ice damage.
oh yeah and what the deal with magic? is there an easire way to boost it ? because it sucks trying to level all of them up.
My fav weapon was the Elven long sword from The Grey Prince, I didn't bother using magic, although Staff of Lightning was fun, and Shadowhunt the bow was always worth using for long range stealth kills.
These achievements are so useless, what's the utility apart from showing to everybody that you're good at the game.