East European or American woman, no idea who she is

Found her here:

It's the eighth one, on the second row, on the right.

In case my directions are unclear, I've attached a picture of her. I'd very much appreciate knowing her name.

Thansk very much in advance to whoever can tell me her name.


  • gf7.jpg
    6.4 KB · Views: 175
your link doesn't work :(
edit: ok, it works ;) she's fine but I can't ID her :dunno:
Aldebreght said:
Do you know who the second one in the first second is? The one with the hat on and large boobs?
I could be ashley robbins but I'm not 100% sure :dunno:
Aldebreght said:
Do you know who the second one in the first second is? The one with the hat on and large boobs?

I wish I knew. I like the one I posted better but the one you're talking about is most fine as well.