Earning A Living !!! Whats your Day/Night Job.

Im planning on jacking in my Suface Mount Technology job, its a good job & all but i want to concentrate on my band & start a full time giggin job
Im a auto- body technician (bodyman) I fix you wrecked cars:thefinger
whats my job? im not sure. all i know is that i am a guy who does something. then i go home to my real job. :thumbsup:

moral of the story is: dont ask me.:fight:
I work at a regional hospital.
From babies to the elderly - win many, lose some.
And I'd rather keep it that way....

I worked as a nurse for a while.
What made you quit?



Dishwasher/Busboy Part-time at a local restaurant while I am going to school

before that a labourer for a construction company, that payed me very poorly


what the fuck you lookin at?
probably the bullshit from patients like me who have no patience for doctors in white gowns.
:1orglaugh so very true dude! :1orglaugh
I used to be a NASA engineer and worked primarily in missile defense during the '90s. But for the past 5 years I've been a traveling consultant and am away from my wife during the week, sometimes longer.