I think with the right crowd of people you can make D&D 4ed as good as you can. There really are not too many mainstream roleplay games out there that fail, but it depends with who you play at the end of the day. Often 4th edition is going to be the most popular game to find players in, along with Pathfinder, Vampire the Masquerade 2nd ed, Warhammer roleplay, Dark Heresy, Star Wars, and other games like Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy X, etc.
Have you find a group who plays Pathfinder, then go with, dont complain that its not 4ed, and vice versa. If you have a great group who meets regularly you should be able to switch DMs between games. Although keeping one campaign setting is probably advisable to part-time gamers who have full-time jobs. Depending on your age group, experience, etc, etc.
Noel, you said about skills, I'll agree with you, the skill list in 4ed is been pruned, and now relies on DMs and players using roleplay to give this subject more depth. A lot of the games I played over the past few months, have been simular to:
"Here is the tiles for the dungeon" DM reads flavour text from book. "You enter the dungeon via this entrance, place your minis..."
"We are here, okay, put the cleric at the back, I'll roll a perception, what do i see?"
suceeds check
"You notice this!" DM places a minion or two onto tiles.
"Oh okay, we roll initative"
Now I would shrug and sigh, "whats this that has happened", its not like we never had bits of roleplaying, but it was almost sidelined and sectioned off as roleplay. (Plus boxed and never to be seen again) :-(
Players learn a bad habit of chopping through the rules to get to the goal, there are points in a 3rd and previous based games where the rules seem too complex that perhaps roleplaying becomes the better solution, thus roleplay is a neccessity. I see in this case, this is why players prefer pathfinder to 4ed.
Hell ! Maybe this observation isnt obvious to even 3rd edition players but its well worth been aware of.