Duke Nukem Forever LIVES! Maybe?

This is funny. Particularly due to the fact I downloading Duke Nukem 3D on my Xbox just last week.

Haven't played it yet, though. Currently going through DOOM.

Yeah...I've been in a retro mood lately.

rumours like this have happened so many times that its hard to trust

simple i know some things before most others just through contacts at work i work at a games mag doing cover art, have been to E3 for the last four years running and trust me i hear things from people who know.

And in short i asked my contact at gearbox who has the best track record on juicy tips.

but note i did say this could all be hype but i have a feeling in my bones. also hot tip ign are going to be uploading a new in game footage trailer which has not been seen before.

rumours like this have happened so many times that its hard to trust



simple i know some things before most others just through contacts at work i work at a games mag doing cover art, have been to E3 for the last four years running and trust me i hear things from people who know.

And in short i asked my contact at gearbox who has the best track record on juicy tips.

but note i did say this could all be hype but i have a feeling in my bones. also hot tip ign are going to be uploading a new in game footage trailer which has not been seen before.

Looks like you were on to something. :thumbsup:
The Gearbox boss also related his wife's insistence that he take up Duke's cause and that if he succeeded in making it happen, she'd give him – and this a direct quote – a "Chilean Miner." She would "go down the shaft and stay 'til Christmas."

I realized once GearBox got a hold of this title it would see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will buy it out of principle.

Well let me not be hasty. I will buy it if I feel my principles are in check upon spending $59.99 for it. :cool:
a screenshot means nothing when a game has a history like this

and if you are going to take kotaku article for proof that thats pretty bad itself

Is that how this works? You doubt the existence of the game, are evinced of said game, which is corroborated by all of the major gaming news companies, and objurgate because you can't use basic logic?

Note taken.

Be careful, you're now apt to be mentioned in the same breath as the hallowed Baconsalt.

its confirmed now,gameplay footage has been all over and people have played it

It's almost like those scoundrels at Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot and even Digg were reporting the truth.

On top of that, you used a screenshot as proof, the same thing you just condemned a post before.

I believe Plasma very succinctly summarized the board's general sentiment on your input to date.
Is that how this works? You doubt the existence of the game, are evinced of said game, which is corroborated by all of the major gaming news companies, and objurgate because you can't use basic logic?

Wtf are you talking abt?

i just doubted it cause things like this have happen before and no wonder it is coming after so long time.if it was all smooth then it would have come a long time ago

Note taken.

me too

Be careful, you're now apt to be mentioned in the same breath as the hallowed Baconsalt.


It's almost like those scoundrels at Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot and even Digg were reporting the truth.

Ign,gamespot is trustable but not kotaku

On top of that, you used a screenshot as proof, the same thing you just condemned a post before.

i never did condemn anything

and i didn't oput the screen shot for proving it but for then wickedness of the shot.but you just look past it wanna run over the others

the screen

I believe Plasma very succinctly summarized the board's general sentiment on your input to date.

oooooh are you taking cover behind somebody's comment,you really need that considering how reliable yours have been in the past
This guy better not get another of my threads closed because of his endless bickering.
Wtf are you talking abt?
i just doubted it cause things like this have happen before and no wonder it is coming after so long time.if it was all smooth then it would have come a long time ago


I think the phrase, "Read The Fucking Article" applies here. If you had, you'd realize the Kotatu article details the fucking demo of the game. How in the fuck you can possibly say that's happened before is beyond me, but alas you have.

Strike 1.

Ign,gamespot is trustable but not kotaku

Funny that they all ran practically identical articles isn't it. And that Kotatu's reporter was the first one to play. But hey, doubt 'em all you want, facts don't seem to factor into your equation.

Strike 2.

i never did condemn anything
and i didn't oput the screen shot for proving it but for then wickedness of the shot.but you just look past it wanna run over the others

Strike 3.
See below:

a screenshot means nothing when a game has a history like this

Which begets:


Keep digging. Eventually you'll convince yourself that you're right, because you've lost the rest of us.

That slight ringing you hear each time you post? That's reality begging you to get back to it.

This guy better not get another of my threads closed because of his endless bickering.

Sorry Whims. My BS meter was going off, I'll keep it down. :D