LOL people are still waiting for this game?
No. And 3D Realms realise this. That is what is making me think it is just a clever marketing ploy on their behalf. As they know no one is interested in the Duke Nukem game now. I mean how long do they expect people to wait? twleve years and a no show. Nah. Then when the hype builds up again due to everyone discussing the so-called
downfall of 3D Realms a few months after this, BOOOM, it happens. No, not Armageddon, but the news that Duke Nukem will finially be released. The bastard developers think we gamers are stupid, it is them that is stupid, if they think we will fall for that. And if they think we will support a game that has been in development for twelve years or so.
No game should taken that length of time to finish. And even if it did come out it would hardly be anything breath taking. Just another FPS game with flashy graphics. Is that really worth a decade or more of waiting for? not for me it isn 't. 3D Realms have no real talent. If they did they could have thrown out three or four Duke Nukem FPS titles in twelve years not still be working on the fucking second one. Retarded chimps is what they are.
Note to 3D Realms:
Crash and burn you bitch bastards.
Sorry guys I got a little carried away with the news of these whores going out of business. HAPPY HAPPY DAYS.