Duke Nukem developer goes bankrupt


what the fuck you lookin at?
let me guess, he snorted his profits?


So we have to wait another decade for Duke Nukem Forever?

That game just just a hoax anyway.
I'd like to know what the people at that company have been doing for the past 12 years. Must be the easiest job in the world just collecting paychecks and have nothing to show for it.
I'd like to know what the people at that company have been doing for the past 12 years. Must be the easiest job in the world just collecting paychecks and have nothing to show for it.

By their own admission, they all stayed up playing World of Warcraft for days on end while slowly developing the game (not even joking). I don't remember what year exactly WoW came out, but I assume that would be what, 2-3 years of laziness?

I wonder how they worked on the game the years prior to WoW. At least the Duke Nukem Trilogy games on PSP/DS are coming out, so Duke Nukem himself hasn't faded away into total obscurity. It's just a damn shame we won't get another FPS game for awhile. I mean shit, these guys published Duke Nukem 3D and Wolfenstein 3D, two classic shooters, so you'd think they would know how to make first person shooters by now.

by the way, this is as good a time as any to post the Duke Nukem Forever list: http://duke.a-13.net/

So much history has passed since this game was announced it's not even funny.
I think this is a good thing for those of us who WOULD like to see another duke nukem game. Maybe a real game developer will buy the rights and actually use them to make one.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
perhaps they should have tried to release a game?

Common sense isnt so friggin' common. They were sitting on the biggest fucking goldmine of a sequel.. then NO! They fucking wasted it. Do you know how many damned computers had a registered version of DN3D on it?!? Do you know how many friggin' dukematch games I've played? OVER DIAL UP?!?

12 years? Really? Reallly? REALLY?! No.. no, seriously.. REALLY?!??!

I swear on their lives they better release it as FREEWARE just to satisfy the fan base and actually breathe some life into the series. What was once a cutting-edge, kickass FPS, offensive and provocative, funny and balanced game.. is now a laughingstock brandname.

3D realms.. oh how lame thou art.
12 years come on...they could have hand drawn each animation and each scene each and everyway a bullet could fly...it should have been out 9 or so years ago.......jerks

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It took less time to create and release the whole "Call Of Duty" series. Duke was a great game, and I wish I could still play it sometimes, but if your gonna fuck around for that long, you can't expect to thrive, or continued fan loyalty.
I'm surprised they made it this long without investments from other companies.
By their own admission, they all stayed up playing World of Warcraft for days on end while slowly developing the game (not even joking). I don't remember what year exactly WoW came out, but I assume that would be what, 2-3 years of laziness?

I think part of the reason is that they were continually so slow in getting the game out so when the did finally make some progress either advances in technology came out that could have made it better or other game studios made games there were going to kick Duke Nukem Forever's ass by that point. That made them want to go back and redo a lot of the stuff and considering they were as slow as hell that continually happened and the game got continually pushed back until it became the joke it is now.

Duke Nukem fans can take solace in the fact some other franchises aren't too much better. At this point KotOR 3 is probably going to come out about the same time Duke Nukem Forever does (probably never) even though fans have been begging for another one for years now. There are other games that make you wonder why they are not capitalizing on their popularity on sequels, but the difference between Duke Nukem and all the rest is that Duke Nukem was being developed at some point where others nobody wanted to go ahead with for one reason or another.
Maybe they'll get a bailout