'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Suspended From Show

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So why does that bother you? It's their conversation it's not like the conversation has anything to do with you so why get upset about it?
That's like you getting mad whenever you hear two hot chicks at the strip club talking to each other when they use the words "B@s*h" and "Cu!t" in their convo and yet their conversation most likely had nothing to do with you yet, you get so pissed off and offended. Do you need an enema? Like seriously lol

I don't even know or care how you feel about the DD controversy but you sure play the mocking game to a tee sadly....Very sadly

You must be a Canuck Hillbilly...a perfect fit for the term . Ignorance is definitely present in most every post you put in Talk, and assumptions with no rationale or back up. This level of post is not something you have the cognitive skills to understand, possibly the Talk section would be a better place for you to join in the discussion?


Hey, Bubba, I really don't get offended by your ignorance or anyone else's just from it existing...only when it spews out all over the clean landscape and gets on me.
But PC (do I have to translate that for you?) is why the astericks are used, not from the Grand Conference of All Terminologies Allowable Use; ask Michael Richards and Paula Deen how rabid the PC Police are...but only in very specific instances. Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and every rapper knows what I mean.
Being a Canuk Hillbilly I get you don't have a lot of smarts, but try and get some of this.
And use some Gold Bond Buttpaste on your obvious butthurt, eh?:facepalm:


Every "reality" TV show is fake and very scripted. I have friends who have worked sound and camera on many of them and it's all bullshit. And then you factor in the editing and it's anything but reality. People like to watch train wrecks these days, why else would we have shows about hillbilly handfishing...

Hey wait..if hillbilly was truly an offensive term , would there be a show called Hillbilly Handfishing? I think not.

Anyway, we put people who are different, a little bit crazy, odd, strange, etc on television, give them their own show and make them think they are a "star"...when we really mock, ridicule, gawk and laugh at them. I don't know anyone who watches The Real Housewives because it's good, educational and riveting television. We watch them to roll our eyes, judge them and imagine we were rich and think of all the ways that we are better people than they are. I can honestly say that I don't watch any of this stuff, I admit to watching a few episodes of Honey Boo Boo when it first came out. I did it mostly because of the pet pig because I want one someday but then I realized that this was very very wrong...watching a chubby small girl and her farting/burping family and laughing at them for my pleasure. I felt weird about it, I don't care if they pay these people well, I truly do not think some of them understand that they are really just the butt of our jokes and not big "stars". I guess my point is that we put these people on TV and then when they do or say something that perpetuates their stereotype, people are shocked and surprised. What else do you expect? If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck... pun intended here : )

As you admitted, your post is from a position of ignorance on a subject you have no background with...just a guess as it were.
There are literally millions of viewers who love these people, for their family structure and their hardcore religious attitudes...no matter whether you or anyone approves or not.
Anna Nicole Smith was a pathetic trainwreck and we watched (those who did) to laugh at her idiotic life and stoned pretensions; the Duck Dynasty is nothing like that or the other sad commentaries on fucked up people (Ozzie Osborne, Gene Simmons).
I haven't watched any episodes, but I do know the DD is A&Es biggest money maker ever, and the people who watch are mostly of a type you have no idea about.
I know A&E can't win this one, someone is gonna work somewhere else after this is over...either an exec or the multimillionaire Robertsons.
Just from a bit of research, that's my best guess.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Anna Nicole Smith was a pathetic trainwreck and we watched (those who did) to laugh at her idiotic life and stoned pretensions; the Duck Dynasty is nothing like that or the other sad commentaries on fucked up people (Ozzie Osborne, Gene Simmons).

The people from Duck Dynasty aren't fucked up like Anna Nicole or some former rock stars, but they are trainwrecks in their own way. It seems like there was little to no bad publicity about this show (at least none that I'd heard) before this happened, but it won't take long for something else regarding them to come out. Whether they hunted endangered species of ducks, they cheated on their taxes, or they also support polygamy, it's almost guaranteed that this won't blow over for a while.

I haven't watched any episodes, but I do know the DD is A&Es biggest money maker ever, and the people who watch are mostly of a type you have no idea about.
I know A&E can't win this one, someone is gonna work somewhere else after this is over...either an exec or the multimillionaire Robertsons.
Just from a bit of research, that's my best guess.

Are they really? I've never watched an episode either, nor do I watch A&E, but I'd be interested to know where you found that information (not being sarcastic or anything).

I can't picture anything happening to someone at A&E, but maybe the family. Even if their show got cancelled (which I'd be amazed if it did), someone somewhere will view it as a golden opportunity to scoop them up and market them for themselves.
Hillbilly and redneck is not a racist slur. If your a pro wrestling fan, they use those words a lot. Every pro wrestling event that's in the south a heel (bad guy) wrestler will call fans rednecks and hillbillies.

It can be racist depending on the context. I've seen a lot of non-White people use that term for any White person they dislike. It's definitely a racial slur. It's definitely a classist term that many of those people have reclaimed.
I don't see how hillbilly and rednecks are racial slurs. I know plenty of people here in Michigan who refer to themselves as rednecks or hillbillies and would never get offended by it. And yes, there ARE rednecks who aren't white. I went to school with several of them. Has nothing to do with race but with the culture. If someone calls you a hillbilly and you get offended, maybe it's because you are one yet you wish that you weren't so it hurts. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to me.

There are plenty of Black people who use the N word in friendly conversations with one another and in rap music. Try saying that it can't be defined as a slur. I've seen plenty of non-White people use that as a term for any White person who they don't like or who is a non-liberal.


The people from Duck Dynasty aren't fucked up like Anna Nicole or some former rock stars, but they are trainwrecks in their own way. It seems like there was little to no bad publicity about this show (at least none that I'd heard) before this happened, but it won't take long for something else regarding them to come out. Whether they hunted endangered species of ducks, they cheated on their taxes, or they also support polygamy, it's almost guaranteed that this won't blow over for a while.

Are they really? I've never watched an episode either, nor do I watch A&E, but I'd be interested to know where you found that information (not being sarcastic or anything).

I can't picture anything happening to someone at A&E, but maybe the family. Even if their show got cancelled (which I'd be amazed if it did), someone somewhere will view it as a golden opportunity to scoop them up and market them for themselves.

Besides hearing the words spoken by someone I believe, I went to Google for a quick injection of DD's status as a Reality Show giant.
Hard to believe you didn't search first...Google is so easy for first level search.


I don't see any dirt surfacing in this case...we see how low the Libbies had to go to get after the religious backwoods family...can you imagine the dirt that could be dug up on A&E execs or GLAAD admin...R or X rated news stories, worse than the Clinton Blue Dress/Cigar Dildo/Oval Office BJs stuff.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Wow, so you don't even WATCH the show and you're getting all bent out of shape over this??

I'm not doubting that there are viewers who watch this show because they can identify with the family on it. However, there are LOTS of people that watch to ridicule them. I personally know plenty! Just with Anna Nicole Smith and anyone else on reality TV.

One thing I've learned is there is zero point to arguing with someone on the internet. Unless you have nothing else better to do and want to waste your life away.

Have fun! I hope you will spend some time with loved ones during this holiday season! Enjoy life instead of feeling so full of anger and rage about things that you have no control over! Peace out!


Wow, so you don't even WATCH the show and you're getting all bent out of shape over this??

I'm not doubting that there are viewers who watch this show because they can identify with the family on it. However, there are LOTS of people that watch to ridicule them. I personally know plenty! Just with Anna Nicole Smith and anyone else on reality TV.

One thing I've learned is there is zero point to arguing with someone on the internet. Unless you have nothing else better to do and want to waste your life away.

Have fun! I hope you will spend some time with loved ones during this holiday season! Enjoy life instead of feeling so full of anger and rage about things that you have no control over! Peace out!

No, Maggie, I don't watch reality tv...is that genre so top secret that there is no information out there for me to read and learn?
You seemed reasonably intelligent until that lame comment, now I see where your opinions come from...what other people tell you.

I am not angry...why do the slower intellects on FOs think that's a certain win to put "anger" on someone laughing at their foolishness?
Anger means I care a lot...not the case , pussycat.
I enjoy giving BSers and lame people a tweak here and there, but anger? Really?
Not really anything more than fun for me.

Peace out?
Whoa! Do you know anyone under the age of 50? Ask them for a new generic "Have a Nice Day" expression...that is SOOO lame.:facepalm:


This is one of those programs that you might stop to watch while flipping channels. It does have a certain charm, but like most 'reality' shows it is highly scripted.

In any case, what this man was quoted as saying wasn't really that shocking, was it? I'm sure that most homosexuals would dismiss it outright.

Sort of ironic, in that these men are actually famous because of stereotyping and preconceived notions regarding what constitutes 'class' in America.

Philbert, you need to chill a bit honey. :2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's a question that ran a conservative friend of mine off in a different venue; do you support states that have work-at-will laws? I don't know if he just didn't see the question or if he didn't have an answer for it because he's usually not the type to run away from a question, but at the same time, he doesn't miss many, either.


Again, I think THIS is the big question. No matter how a person feels about this reality TV show (I personally hate the entire genre) or this Phil person, to say that this has anything to do with freedom of speech is foolish, IMO. He has exactly the same ability and right to say today what he said the other day. His rights have not been infringed.

As for the various terms used to describe people from certain groups or regions of the country, I remember coming home for a visit after I got out of business school many moons ago. And one of my friends said that since I had an MBA, I could no longer be a "hillbilly", I was now a "hill william". I found that amusing. Just like with a lot of other terms, if you're a member of the group, then you have more latitude in using certain terms and not offending other members of that group. In that case, people assume that the context is more innocent or playful. As for the claim that was made that "hillbilly" is a racist term, no, it's not. I've heard Black people from West VA, Kentucky and Tennessee referred to as hillbillies too. It includes pretty much anybody that lives in the southern Appalachian mountain region. And I've heard Black people from the deep south referred to as "bamas". A Black girl I used to work with in the Maryland office used to refer to her boyfriend as a "bama". Since he was from Georgia and not Alabama, I didn't get that. But she said it was a catch-all for anybody (Black) from "down south". Coming from her, he laughed it off. But if I'd called him a "bama", he might have taken a swing at me. And if he'd called me a "hillbilly" or a "ridgerunner", I might have swung on him. See, we didn't know each other like that.

"Redneck" is a different sort of term. Yeah, in my experience it primarily applies to Whites - though I guess there could be an Asian redneck or a Cholo redneck or a Black redneck. :dunno: So I'd say it is racial, but not necessarily racist. "Redneck" usually applies to people (White) who display a lack of social skills and manners and who pride themselves on being uneducated, vulgar, uncouth, loud and/or offensive. A member of a an IndyCar team that I knew back in the 90's (who was English) used to hate going to the California Speedway because he said the area (Fontana) was surrounded by rednecks. He said the Brits had a term like that for those kinds of people too... and it had nothing to do with race (included Black, White, Asian, etc.): "Chavs".

One of the funniest bumper stickers I remember from the 2008 Presidential election was one I saw from North Carolina: "Rednecks For Obama". So just like any other term, sometimes it's embraced by the people it's directed at and sometimes it's not. Some are offended. Some aren't. But anyway, if this Phil guy was some sort of polished speaker and social butterfly, with a PhD in Philosophy, who was unwilling to make a monkey or public spectacle of himself for money, they wouldn't have hired him and his clan for the show to begin with. Who would watch a bunch of normal/boring people? Reality TV fans want monkeys that can talk (though usually not standard English). Whenever these lazy networks hire these goofs, whether it's Jersey Shore, Buck Wild (I think a couple of them are dead now), Teen Mom or whatever, they're taking a chance. So while I think A&E had the right to bounce him, I think it odd that anyone is surprised that A&E had to learn the hard way that water is wet and that untrained dogs will piss on your carpet.


This is one of those programs that You Might stop to watch while flipping channels. It does have a certain charm, but like most 'reality' shows it is highly scripted.

In any case, what this man was quoted as saying wasn't really that shocking, was it? I'm sure that most homosexuals would dismiss it outright.

Sort of ironic, in that these men are actually famous because of stereotyping and preconceived notions regarding what constitutes 'class' in America.

Philbert, you need to chill a bit honey. :2 cents:

Dude! Chill is a stablemate to out to pasture overdone expressions like "Peace Out"...just sayin"...
Got my feet up, finishing some classic beef stew, and watching my DVD.
Snow is covering the ground, everything looks smooth and peaceful, and I don't care about Christmas or gifts or any of that crazy Christian torment.
So...just what do you seem to detect in my post that causes you to advise 'Chill"?


Dude! Chill is a stablemate to out to pasture overdone expressions like "Peace Out"...just sayin"...
Got my feet up, finishing some classic beef stew, and watching my DVD.
Snow is covering the ground, everything looks smooth and peaceful, and I don't care about Christmas or gifts or any of that crazy Christian torment.
So...just what do you seem to detect in my post that causes you to advise 'Chill"?

"Peace out" ... "just sayin" ... are overdone, yes.

So is the "Internet Warrior" Phil. We don't need any more of them here.

Chill aka Relax and stop arguing about everything.

Peace out.


"Peace out" ... "just sayin" ... are overdone, yes.

So is the "Internet Warrior" Phil. We don't need any more of them here.

Chill aka Relax and stop arguing about everything.

Peace out.

So, you wanna argue with me about arguing?:facepalm:

Hmmm...you need a short time out, I think.
Go to your corner and bring your Sesame Street Singalong book...and stay there til you're ready to behave.
I haven't watched any episodes, but I do know the DD is A&Es biggest money maker ever, and the people who watch are mostly of a type you have no idea about.
I know A&E can't win this one, someone is gonna work somewhere else after this is over...either an exec or the multimillionaire Robertsons.
Just from a bit of research, that's my best guess.

I'm a fan of the show and I'm a liberal. Yeah. DD is A&E's biggest money maker but before the show who the hell ever heard of Duck Commander(their duck calls)? That show has been really good to the Robertson family. They have a deal with Walmart and DD gear is really really popular. I even saw Willie Robertson, Phil's son, in an Under Armour commercial


That's Internet Warrior 101 Phil.

What is?
You need to stop making oblique references and just come out and say what you mean.
It's the internet...no one can reach out and smack you upside the head.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I just looked at Google News and the Bing News feed. Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty is at the top of both pages. I have entertainment news restricted from my Reuters feed or he'd probably be on there too, I'm sure. Who says this isn't an amazing country? Only in America can a nobody, with limited talents and skills, with nothing to say, become a media sensation and rich. See, anywhere else, the Kardashians, D@nica Patrick, S@rah Palin, P@ris Hilton, Phil Robertson, the Jersey Shore fools and those Real Housewhores people would be pushing brooms or asking if the guy on the mic wanted fries with his order. But here, we make them rich and listen to what they have to say as if they knew anything. Our children can't read and write, do math or understand what gravity is... but as long as you can get rich by making a monkey out of yourself, why does any of that matter??? :dunno:
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