Drinking a gallon of milk

My friend is daring me to drink a gallon of 2% milk in 35 mins and hold it down for 15 min after. All my friends blow chow before 35 mins. Is there a way to successfully do this? And yes i will be doing this for money if i so chose to do it.
No, there is no way to successfully do it... its a money maker allright, for the guy you're betting against. This is an old joke, we used to play it on all the new college guys starting at our company. Always offered $100 for anybody who could do it... never once had to pay it.
It can be done with ingestion of at least 6-8 pills Lomotil (anti-diarrheal medication) and lactase to break down the 2% milk very quick.
He must have watched "Inked" on A&E. Some kid tried it on there and was bet he couldn't for 100 bucks. He puked his guts out soon after and had an hour to down all of it too. He went for 2%.
how many Litres are in a gallon? and can there be milo in it? lol!
Just give up, you can't hold that shit down. I'm lactose intolerant too, I'd like to see someone like me attempt it ^^


Retired Moderator
thesafestplace said:
If Joey from friends can do it in ten seconds anyone can!

:rofl: That's a funny scene...

Yes, it sure was :1orglaugh

This Guy did it, but with Skim milk not 2%
I would like to see that Japanese guy who ate all those hot dogs try it. Anyway I don't know if a normal person can do it but what I would do if I were actually seriously going to try it is dehydrate myself before hand. You need a way to force all that milk into your system even before you can break down the lactose and other things. (note: I don't know if doing that would be harmful to you so don't blame me if something goes wrong and you die or such) I might even do some hard cardiovascular exercise before hand or maybe even during (although that might cause you to puke) just to make your body's desperate need to hydrate itself to be more than it's need to immediate break down the substances in the milk. Of course having a stomach big enough to handle the volume might help also.
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im gonna try it. lol. but if i do it theres no way i can prove it to you guys lol so there really isnt any point. but anyway, what is 2% milk? all ive heard of is skim milk powder milk and, well, regular milk.

on saturday night i got tanked for the first time ever and i had blue powerade to rehidrate myself and my chunder was green and blue, it was seriously crap!
Milk comes in all levels measuring the degree of butterfat it contains... Whole Milk (straight from the cow, pastuerized of course), 2%, 1% and skim. The last three are watered down to some degree with skim being watered down the most. Basically because the world thinks less butterfat is better for you. I grew up drinking 2% and just cant stand the taste of Skim because of it.
oh ok. i grew up with lactose intolorance but i can drink normal milk now. i used to have asthma too but mum made me drink these gross herbs and i dont have it anymore. yes, irrelevence is my game!


Misery said:
~0.264 Liters


One gallon = 3.7 litres

..and no, I don't think I could drink that all at once.

I only drink magro/.1% milk - 1.5 litres a day.
3.7 litres is a lot to fit in a fistful of space.....your stomach is supposedly the size of a fist isnt it? i know your heart is one fist and your brain is two but i cant remember what your stomach is.