Dreams You Remember After Waking Up


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Two that I remember to this day, they were NyQuil dreams...

I was running from Government agents in a circle out in the street in front of my grandmothers house, when I needed help and Abe Lincoln jumped off a penny and started running next to me, saying "we'll never get away from them!"


I was in my bedroom, when something started banging on the wall in my bathroom. John Popper from Blues Traveler busted through the wall all pissed off, suddenly a large pig came trotting into the room wearing a sash that said "anti-drug pig" and attacked Popper while he was playing one of his harmonicas.
I like this thread :) Dreams are so weird but sometimes seem so real! One thing I hate is when I wake up with morning wood ( almost every morning ) and Im sleeping on my stomach, its like you bastard Im trying to sleep! Then it hurts cuz its bending it and the pain only makes it harder :facepalm: plus you gotta piss in the morning too so shit be gettin rough!