Dream of Ashley / Ashley Sage Ellison

What a tremendous girl! The breasts (obviously), the looks more generally, the sweet innocence and challenging expressions, the friendly appearance and genuine way of speaking.


I'm glad she has grown up - the young babyface along with all that boobage and sex was a bit unsettling! :eek!:

About the rumour (noted above) of Ashley deciding to take off weight - to be fair, she has some way to go before her breasts are anything but fabulous! :o) In any case, from the many galleries she's starred in over about 5 years, it looks like her weight has gone up and down quite a bit in that time - as far as I am concerned, whatever keeps her healthy and makes her happy is the best solution.

About the other rumour from last year (a lot of rumours seem to surround the fabulous) of her having a baby - perhaps the collective will (meaning, the spurting spunk and wishful thinking!) of her many fans worldwide has finally had its way with her! :D More seriously, if the rumour happens to be true, then that is her own affair really, and even if the one who wrote in her name up this trhead was actually her, she doesn't owe it to us to be a proud mother here. If that babe has had a baby, who could be surprised, ..... and who wouldn't in honesty wish her a happy, healthy and reasonably wealthy motherhood - even if that means less internet presence. :grinds teeth: :D

I would agree though - seeing that fanciable beauty, you have to hope for more. And the selfish side of you wishes the magnificent topless princess would finally display herself just for once as a randy spitroast and/or bukkake queen! :nannerf1:

Oh well - something for the imagination, I guess!
Re: hey agaiin xx

hey all i know i aint been on in a while but just thought id say hi again lol and ;et you know that the red leather thigh boots i wore in my devil set for www.dreamofashley.com are now on ebay item number : 130539242314 lol check em out haha xx

Can't afford the boots I'm afraid!

I read your sign as saying "ARSE" at first. *tongue out* ~ ~ ~ Ahem, soz again! I was distraxcted by the beauty behind the sign!! :D

Now, please turn 20 degrees to your left, and touch your toes... :D

Ooh ecky peck!!!!!! :--O~~ Venus!!!

:recovering slowly...:
Only thing is, absolutely no need for the heavy makeup, when you are so good looking anyway!
Tha Babe has officially tweeted she will never, ever do hardcore.

How cruel! :o)

Though I'm glad she's clearly a girl who knows her mind, and nobody's fool.

So I guess we'll just have to continue using our imaginations!


Closed Account
Tha Babe has officially tweeted she will never, ever do hardcore.

How cruel! :o)

Though I'm glad she's clearly a girl who knows her mind, and nobody's fool.

So I guess we'll just have to continue using our imaginations!

Did she mention maybe releasing some new material??? Any word on ANY new pics???
Nope - but then tweets are always short, only allow one topic at a time.

You can check the msg for yourself easily enough - @ the obvious #tag on Twitter: except Ashley drops the "stuffing" herb (or perhaps "marker of wisdom" - anyway, her middle name) from her name there. :)