Dream of Ashley / Ashley Sage Ellison

Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

I hate to say it, but I think Score have probably used up all their sets. I think we may not see Ashley (new content anyway) for potentially quite a while :crash:

That's the same thing i was thinking when i posted the same comment stating gone for a while or forever from score after a posting made at their site stating their dissapointment at her not doing hardcore (glad she doesn't) but wanted to ask others their opinions anywho LOL
Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

and you know there could be others too yet to come eventually. I've seen other pictures of her that could be from potentially other sets. unless they just took pictures of her in random outfits for just one shot. I've seen 2 different bikini shots and a dress and bra and undies that haven't been in full sets yet either. So really who knows what Score has on their servers. they could have a set to a chick from 5 years ago they never got around to posting ya never know
Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

That link to pic of her upcoming set is where this picture is from...ooh so long ago!

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Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

Not sure, her facebook still says she's a model for Score.

Don't really mind what he's saying by it. She is still with Score and has a new set coming out in the october or november issue of vouptous that has Karla james on the cover.

The guy has had facts wrong for a while now and thinks that only half the sets from score are all that there are and that she's been modelling for them for longer than she has.

She is still and continues to be a model for them. Though not exclusively with them only models for them. Plus she has more sets that will be coming out from shoots she did during her DVD.
Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

im wrong ? so wrong that posters in this thread post 3 year old videos or cropped banner pieces for months now to create the ilusion of new content , and you talk about a 2 year old "new" set due in 125 days from now , check the posts here to see if im wrong or not .
Re: Dream Of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

They aren't creating new content or an illusion. they are just posting some of her older work for others to see. and the set coming up isn't 2 years old. you have to understand how the industry works. and btw i used to work for a publishing firm, and a friend of mine works for the score group. why else have i been on here saying what i say all these times. a company has an expense, they have to market somethign for a profit. sometimes it is cheaper to get several shoots done in a small period of time for affordability to spread out over time to make a profit. however she has returned several times for several shoots. Take the magazine issue i'm talking about due out in the fall with karla James on the cover. the set you will see of karla in the mag is a set that everyone saw online nearly 3 months ago. every company does whatever saves them more to turn more of a profit. profits/losses. you can't be naive and think that each time a model appears they come in for that one shoot and boom next week it's in a magazine or online. even tv guide does shoots all at once for spread out releases.
Re: Dream of Ashley (aka 36J Ashley Sage Ellison of Score/Voluptuous)

the issue is not if they shot all their sets at a weekend , the issue is that the content is poor in concept and diversity and given by the drop , a viewer thay spots the fact that the whole ashley-score thing is a hasty patch of work is not naive , he is down to earth , what is naive is the ease that you anounce the "new" set in 125 days from now, as if is something normal for the fastest industry on the net or as asley is the only model on the net , your statement is consistent with my previous posts , lets wait 125 days to see a new bra on the usual weekend set