dream about gf`s sister and cousin

i had a similar fantasy for the longest time about my old roommates girlfriend. we share a single room in the barrack and she would frequently spend the night. they were not passionate whatsoever and she was georgous. i felt she deserved way better and much more attention. but she was my roommate and still very good friends girl, so i made sure to keep my eyes in proper places and be very polite but never overly friendly. i kept it clean the whole time. since then they have broken up, he has moved out, and she has gotten married. im still very good friends with them both and he still has no clue i ever felt this way. she and i on the other hand had a drunken discussion on it one night maybe 2 months after their breakup. nothin happened tho, and i think its better that way. anyways moral of the story is havin these attractions and urges.... totally natural. acting on them in any way whatsoever, including the small hints, inappropriately long stares, anything that might show the interest to your girls sister. its just the wrong thing to do.
Almost everyone has had a fantasy about a friend's wife/girlfriend/sister etc. One of my best friends since high school met up with this 'OH MY GOD! - WHERES HER ISSUE OF PLAYBOY?' blonde. Of course... that was it for me, I wanted her so fucking bad. Never got the chance though. :crying:

I had known her since high school, and of course, she was a cheerleader. I always pictured her sprawled out on the gym floor of my old high school in that red and black cheerleader outfit... oh those were the days.
I accidentally hooked up with my best friends gf in HS. Ive always regretted it but now their in a serious relationship and every time I see her I think about it a feel like shit. She's gonna tell him eventually and shit is gonna hit the fan