download speed


Platinum Member
Please give me some feedback about the download speed at If you are a frequent Freeones visitor then let me know in which country you live, modem/cable/DSL and average speed. Thank you.


Originally posted by Freeones:
Please give me some feedback about the download speed at If you are a frequent Freeones visitor then let me know in which country you live, modem/cable/DSL and average speed. Thank you.

I´m from sweden, dumb blond (and so on...)
I got ADSL, and the speed is not an issue


Speed seems fine, other than the occasional slow down when the board's busy. I'm on 1 MB DSL.
No problem at all...

I am sitting on 100 Mbit Chalmers Network....

No prob at all...

Fast as hell....

Some galleries that freeones link to are slow... but thats not freeones
I have a 6 mbit adsl connection speed
I don't think freeones is slow at all, the board is sometimes busy but never the site :)
btw there is not any huge files available to download on freeones, so I can't know the real free1 speed..
In Australia... Im on dail up running a 52k modem... getting about 49.2kbps...
Im happy most of the time.... (yes we have cable & adsl, just haven't got around to it)
I never have speed problems with FreeOnes. Problem I do have is either the board is up or it's down. Seems to go down every night at midnight Eastern time U.S. Like clockwork. Like Cinderella lol. If the board goes down I look at my clock and I'm like, "Oh yeah, it's midnight." LOL! :D :tongue: :eek:
Yup, got to agree with Nightfly here. When I browse the board and notices it gets slower I just close it cause I know its about to go down :(

Besides that I have no problem with down speeds.