Douche Bag: A Poll

How should we punish the Stadium Dirty Bomb Asshole?

  • Death by Firing Squad, Shooters picked from a lottery of interested participants

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Death by Lethal Injection, let's keep this humane

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Life in Prison, with forced salad tossings every day at noon

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • 20 years in Prison. He's a threat but c'mon he made a mistake

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Chop off his hands and chain him to a computer with no way of typing into it, for life

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • 1 Year in prison, compromising national security is no big deal

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Let him off, he was probably a victim of abuse when he was younger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .;_y...nYcB?slug=ap-footballthreat&prov=ap&type=lgns

Alright, apparently the Stadium Dirty Bomb threat was a hoax started by some dipshit grocery clerk trying to impress some other dipshit in Texas.

This is the kind of shit that costs our law enforcement agencies MILLIONS of dollars and diverts their attention from real threats. Consequently, this little fucker's fun and games have put all of our lives at risk. Think about it on a personal basis; because this limp wristed mental midget had to go jerking off on some chat board, he exposed you and me to a much greater danger from people who want to destroy our way of life. And for this we need to decide an appropriate punishment for him and his stupid buddy in Texas. Is the death sentence too harsh a penalty? I think not but if you do, you have some other nice choices. Please choose from the attached poll
even though i still bont believe this, i chose the forced salad tossings. it seems fair. but, rather than noon, i say midnight. he can be woken up to the feeling of a nice big 10 incher.:D


Closed Account
Great thread and thanks for the update. You know I agree from my post in my thread (link below), but I think some of the choices are a bit harsh. ;) I just don't think probation or 30 days enough, that being no more than a slap on the wrist. A stronger message must be sent.

I voted 20 years. While what he did was a terrible act, I think any other punishment is a bit extreme. With some sort of restitution reminder after parole (he would no doubt get after serving a third of sentence) that he must do daily. Like a dollar a day mailed to the fund for the families that were lost on 911 for the rest of his life. Having to go to the post office each day and have it hand cancelled. A daily reminder that such things are in no way funny. If he stops sending, it’s a parole violation and I say bring him in and make him finish the sentence. Every single day of the twenty, no timed served. Because what was asked of him was small potatoes compared to what he cost our country with this "brain fart" action of his. If he can't stick by whats asked, oh well. :wave:



Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
How about forced induction, send him to Iraq. Bring a soldier home.
I do agree that the guy was a dumb ass, BUT, he doesn't deserve to DIE. Making the argument that this incident cost MILLIONS in law enforcement etc... MIGHT be okay to say, BUUUUT, putting him in jail will only cost more money. For every year that he's not in jail there is enough money available to put 2 kids through college...


Closed Account
I chose 1 year in prison. It was a cuntish thing to do, but i don't think he deserves death. Shit, child rapists don't even get death...
I chose 1 year in prison. It was a cuntish thing to do, but i don't think he deserves death. Shit, child rapists don't even get death...

But they should. Seriously, the guy deserves 10-20 years. Perhaps if for the entire 10 he performs acts of herioc patriotism and saves small kittens to give to orphan children, then we'll let him out after 10. Other than that, it's a full 20 of tossing salad and walking funny.

And Blutter, to argue that we can't put this guy in prison because it will cost two college educations ignores the enormous cost of the manpower dedicated to issues like this. I assure, the bulk of the Homeland Security Department was using their full resources to find the origin of this threat and it took them about 3 days. These guys make good money, I would venture an average of at least $100k a year ($400 a day) and it is fair to assume at least 100 guys were on this case.

100 x 400 x 3 = $120,000 just in LABOR alone, not to mention the capital resources spent on this hunt. There's your fucking college education right there. Nice argument. :hatsoff:
Put the little shit on "Double Secret" probation and force him to work at Taco Bell until he has repaid all the money he caused to be wasted.
There's your fucking college education right there. Nice argument.
sorry I was a little harsh but arguing that punishing criminals costs too much is absurd.
There's too many of you voting for 1 year. Pot dealers get more than one year. So you bedwetters are saying that selling marijuana is a more punishable crime than comprising the security of an entire nation?

No wonder this country is so fucked up. :mad:
Dope him up so he can't fall asleep, tape his eyes open, and force him to watch 75 continuous hours of the television show "The View". If he can't bear it and chooses to kill himself before the time is up that's ok. :1orglaugh


Closed Account
I think people are only voting 1 year because, well, they just aren't as upset about it as you are Petey G.

Yeah, he wasted a shit load of money. But like you said, your country is fucked up anyways. So to me, and many more people, i couldn't a fuck about the American government and what they do with there money. Spend it all on crack for all i care.
I think people are only voting 1 year because, well, they just aren't as upset about it as you are Petey G.

Yeah, he wasted a shit load of money. But like you said, your country is fucked up anyways. So to me, and many more people, i couldn't a fuck about the American government and what they do with there money. Spend it all on crack for all i care.
Ass crack?;)


"Brahm was charged with making a terrorist threat over the Internet."

That covers a lot of ground...

Where are the first ammendment people on this one?