Alright, apparently the Stadium Dirty Bomb threat was a hoax started by some dipshit grocery clerk trying to impress some other dipshit in Texas.
This is the kind of shit that costs our law enforcement agencies MILLIONS of dollars and diverts their attention from real threats. Consequently, this little fucker's fun and games have put all of our lives at risk. Think about it on a personal basis; because this limp wristed mental midget had to go jerking off on some chat board, he exposed you and me to a much greater danger from people who want to destroy our way of life. And for this we need to decide an appropriate punishment for him and his stupid buddy in Texas. Is the death sentence too harsh a penalty? I think not but if you do, you have some other nice choices. Please choose from the attached poll
Alright, apparently the Stadium Dirty Bomb threat was a hoax started by some dipshit grocery clerk trying to impress some other dipshit in Texas.
This is the kind of shit that costs our law enforcement agencies MILLIONS of dollars and diverts their attention from real threats. Consequently, this little fucker's fun and games have put all of our lives at risk. Think about it on a personal basis; because this limp wristed mental midget had to go jerking off on some chat board, he exposed you and me to a much greater danger from people who want to destroy our way of life. And for this we need to decide an appropriate punishment for him and his stupid buddy in Texas. Is the death sentence too harsh a penalty? I think not but if you do, you have some other nice choices. Please choose from the attached poll