Doomsday prophet, followers ‘flabbergasted’ world didn’t end

The thing is, some people (other than his 'flabbergasted flock) are actually surprised.:facepalm:

It's hard to feel bad for someone whose doomsday predictions caused so much anxiety, but 89-year-old Harold Camping's recent admission that he's

"flabbergasted" the world didn't end last weekend sounds somewhat pitiful.
"It has been a really tough weekend," Camping said Sunday, after emerging from his Alameda, California home for the first time to talk to a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle. "I'm looking for answers ... But now I have nothing else to say," he said, adding that he would make a full statement today.

Camping's PR aide, Tom Evans, told the L.A. Times that the group is "disappointed" that 200 million true believers weren't lifted up to heaven on Saturday while everyone else suffered and eventually died as a series of earthquakes and famine destroyed the Earth. "You can imagine we're pretty disappointed, but the word of God is still true," Evans said. "We obviously went too far, and that's something we need to learn from." The group posted 2,000 billboards around the country warning of the rapture, while Camping--an uncertified fundamentalist minister--spread the word on his radio show.

Jon S.

He's/they're not the only ones! I'm still not over the "SHOCK"! Ha ha ha!

Seriously though, I'm sure he's mainly "flabbergasted" by the fact that he wasn't able to fleece his flock for more $ than he was able to.

Besides, I understand that he isn't even an ordained minister....which REALLY is surprising. Hell, just for shits and giggles, I signed up online on the site of one of those flakey "churches" from the 60's & they sent me a certificate (being cheap...I went the free route) certifying me as an ordained minister in their "church"! How hard is that? Come on....this dude is REALLY lazy!

Finally, I too am looking forward to Camping's speech! I can't wait until he explains the "miscalculation" he "discovered" in his math.....and he then reveals the REAL date of the Rapture! Hell, he's an 89 year old one trick's bound to happen!

I'm also looking forward to the eventual class action lawsuit that's bound to be filed by those who fell for his bs & thus allowed themselves to be bled dry for "the cause"! Come on, we are a letigious society....does anyone REALLY doubt this will happen?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What is his next over/under for the next end of the world?


knows petras secret: she farted.
i still dont get it! how can so many people supposedly believe this guy?!

its so retarded its not even funny! its so totally against scripture to believe in another prophet. come on people!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Henry Phillips



knows petras secret: she farted.
I don't get either. It says right there in the Bible that Jesus doesn't even know when the hour or day is, only the Father. How the fuck was this guy supposed to know?:facepalm:

thats the thing!

i dont think as many people as we think bought into it. prolly a few groups of crazies or really dumb people who never heard a bible verse in their lives.

Jon S.

If you look carefully, you will find that most of his followers were either down on their luck, emotionally imbalanced, or both. Camping amounts to little more than a predator who preys on the weak and weak minded.....and our Constitution fully protects him toward that end. I'm only surprised that he didn't try to go "Heaven's Gate" as a "Plan B"!

Jon S.

He was already saying October 21st would be the date the ultimate end of the world was to come. It was May 21st that 200 million true believers would be thrust up to Heaven....then we would all suffer a series of events leading up to the big fire that would engulf and destroy the Earth on October 21st.

So, you're saying he is saying the Rapture will be taking place on the October date now? Or is that a rehashing of his end of the world date from before?:dunno: