Don't let them tell you who you can or can not FUCK!

what consenting adults do in private is nobody else's concern...when will the assholes we elect in Washington DC get off their high horses and quit thinking they know what is good for us or not good for us...that is not why we send them to DC....I guess we here in the United States are not as free as we think we are... We are free as long as the lease they put us on...What is George and Thomas are thinking now I bet they are rolling aroundin their graves
this is a joke, the government should have no power over peoples sex life

thank god i live in canada, we run around naked and do as we will with one another
WTF???? The government has NO RIGHT to dictate what people can do in their private lives, what the fuck kind of society is this becoming? it frightens me to think of my kids growing up in this continually opressive society.
ckjedi66 said:
WTF???? The government has NO RIGHT to dictate what people can do in their private lives, what the fuck kind of society is this becoming? it frightens me to think of my kids growing up in this continually opressive society.

Although the Patriot Act, John Ashcroft, and the Bush Administration's thinly veiled attempt at fascism would indicate we are rapidly losing freedoms that we once had, that is not necessarily the case. Alot of these repressed sex laws have been on the books for hundreds of years. What we've all got to remember is that America is founded upon a state of sexual repression. The Puritans fled the debaucherous hedonism of 18th Century Europe because they were party poopers.

Now, even progressive lawmakers are afraid to mention repealing some of these stupid laws because this country is still full of repressed tightwads and Catholics.

Although it prides itself on being land of the free and home of the brave, I would say America is probably ranked somewhere between 20 and 30 on the list of the world's free-est countries. Couple the fact that 35% of the Average American's earnings are robbed from them by their "government" and given to someone else with all these repressive laws, and you've got THE DEFINITION of a Repressed Socialist society.

The good thing about America, though, is that its law enforcement and justice system is completely incompetent (OJ and Michael Jackson anyone?). So we just don't pay attention to the majority of all that bullshit that is hurled at us. We just basically run around and do whatever the hell we want. After all, that's The American Way. :glugglug:
Come on! As Peter just said, all of these laws are old archaic laws from way back when and as even the article says, are not enforced. Here in Chicago I beleive there is a law that makes it illegal to whistle at a women. Nobody enforces these stupid laws anymore, and anyone who thinks the "Bush Administration" is going to change this needs to relax and join the real world. The President isn't this evil man who is out to ban everything in the world and ruin your life. Even President Bush has had sex... he does have 2 daughters you know...
There are all sorts of unenforced, archaic laws on the books. There was a thread about this here somewhere once. I think I even posted some links. Do a Google search on "archaic American laws" or something. There is a variety of crazy bullshit out there. "It shall be illegal and punishable by two days of gathering hay on Mister Johnson's farm to wear blue clothing on Wednesdays," etc. However....

In some southern (and some western) states in the USA, some of the anti-sodomy laws ARE enforced, but usually selectively against gay people and not "good proper, married Christian folk." Believe it or not, it IS still illegal in some places for a woman to give her husband a blowjob or for him to fuck her anally. Until the people decide to push for the expunging of these laws, their vacancy from "the books," these things will linger out there for selective and arbitrary enforcement...

Barney Fife, anyone???
Ed Penishands said:
Bush is a fascist asshole! Amerika must repent and listen to Larry Flynt or else we will lose our God-given liberties!!!!!!

Read 1984
america is sucking balls, puritains are just motherfuckers :mad:
pff, and then I thought America is the land of the free!!
My ass!!
I want to have sex with who-ever I want (only if they want to have sex with me that is ;-))
How the hell can you put laws on sex? (accept for the extreme things like pedophiles and stuff)
and yet, if a woman want to have sex with a horse, let her!
and there are girls of 13 14 years old who masturbate, who are more mature then their age, who want to have sex, even if they are only 13 or 14 years old.
So why shouldn't they get to choose with whoever they want to have sex with.
As long as it's something they WANT, and aren't forced to.
I for one are totaly in favor of liberal sex,you can do what you want, as long as al the involved people want the same thing.
The repression of civil liberties is unfortunetly something we will be seeing more of in the United States. Since 9/11 America has become more and more complacent about defending its own liberties. Ben Franklin said, "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." The lessening of privacy and personal property rights is deeply disturbing, at least it is to me. I sincerely hope that America can get away from this whole, "He was goin' to hit me first" attitude that the policy of pre-emption epitomizes.

hedgehog out


It's good to be the king...
Sorry - I originally responded to the wrong post.

However, I find all this a bit worrying - since Britain always appear to follow the US (in one form or another). And with Tony Blair currently Dubya's best mate, you never know....
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