Don't ask me (Meesterperfect) anything.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
New Topic:
If a man jumps from the top of the empire state building, and as he falls past the second floor, millisecends before impact you shoot him in the head with a 44 magnum. Is that murder?

According to COD:MW2, when a guy jumps off a high structure and you shoot him it's "assisted suicide"


Lord Dipstick
I just farted....again! :hatsoff:
If Meester got on a train in New York heading West, traveling at 200mph, and his butt cheeks got on a train in LA heading East, traveling at 400mph, where would the trains crash into each other in a fireball wreck?


If Meester got on a train in New York heading West, traveling at 200mph, and his butt cheeks got on a train in LA heading East, traveling at 400mph, where would the trains crash into each other in a fireball wreck?

I would pay to see Mr.Perfect smash into Butt Cheeks, pun intended.


Hiliary 2020
"Sisters and Brothers, why are we fightin?
We don't want to fight.
Lets all just chill out.
We can do it.
Lets just all just get into a groove."

-Mick Jagger, Altamont ,California, Dec. 1969

oh fuck, 5000
i promised myself that would never happen.
that i would never become that.


Honestly I don't know.
It was an impulse thread.
Thought i was being a smart ass, well I sure learned my lesson.
I now realize the mootness of it, the pure senselessness ( wow six S's in one word ).

Now my only concern is that you guys won't think i'm cool anymore.

Don't worry meester. You're just as cool as the rest of us!




