sorry it is from *******
sorry it is from *******
I was wondering if any know who this pornstar lady is i am trying to find out with no success, http://www.************/24415
Thanks Om3ga for the post. The lovely Donna/Danica in latex. Heavenly. Are there anymore like these out there I wonder?
I don't know about those pics - but you should check out flickr (just type "Danica Fetish")...
Nothing doing there.
There MUST be a full set somewhere.
Hey, I actually met Donna a few years ago in London! I was working my way up Shoreditch High Street to Browns (a table dancing club), when I stopped at the Sports Bar (I think it's the name) and Donna was one of the dancers! I paid for a private table dance and I tried to convince her to model for me but she said she was no longer modeling. She looked great though and was a great dancer. Good to see she's returned to modeling again.