Little Red Wagon Repairman
There is still racism and people of all races have been guilty of this. But when the race card is flung at people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi does the name "racist" really mean anything anymore? Seems it's just a name to call someone of a different race when they don't agree with you but you don't have another name to call them.
I'm glad I'm not in politics. I worked the door for years and was called a racist more times than I could count. To be honest sometimes I was but many times I was 100% not guilty as the card was flung at me by someone trying to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. My advice, unless you're a politician that needs to pander and kiss-ass for votes, is that if you are called a racist to either ignore the name or agree with them. The whole intent is to make you feel defensive.
I'm glad I'm not in politics. I worked the door for years and was called a racist more times than I could count. To be honest sometimes I was but many times I was 100% not guilty as the card was flung at me by someone trying to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. My advice, unless you're a politician that needs to pander and kiss-ass for votes, is that if you are called a racist to either ignore the name or agree with them. The whole intent is to make you feel defensive.