Does Size Matter?

Well if they are that much into fantasy, why don't they fantasize about growing a bigger dick?


They probably do. It's the reason Extenze and half a dozen other infomercial cock pills make money hand over fist.

Anyway, look at all these internet models and porn stars who have wish lists. You think the guy buying Bella Bellini or Next Door Nikki shit off of their Amazon Wish List aren't delusional lonely people who think this is their way of getting their proverbial foot in the door? It's sad, but we're talking about human beings here. Male human beings.
Maybe you have a curved dong. ;D Or maybe she used to fuck some guy named Bob and your dong reminds her of him? Just sayin'.

I don't know if size matters or not. I have a normal size dong but I don't think it needs to be huge. At least I don't have a 4 inch penis.
Go abroad. Stick a dildo down your trousers, preferably a big black darth vader one. Pull some chick, before you have random casual sex of the variety that she is trying to keep a straight face Remember I cant stress this enough to pay the bathroom a visit to remove the dildo. Go home in the knowledge you completed all of the above under an alias hence no ridicule can ever touch you.:nanner:
To me size does matter, I prefer a large strapon. I like it big and deep, vaginal and anal :) I just like how a big strapon streches me out a bit.


Closed Account
To me, it doesn't REALLY matter. As long as its not two inches, and not bigger than 6- you're good to go. I honestly, really do prefer average sized weenies because my snatch is super tight and big wangs hurt :( Average is best. My best lover ever was 5 inches. My worst lover was 8.

So guys of the world- don't fret! If anything is going to kill the mood, its insecurity in bed. So love your penors!

Always refreshing to hear a young lady say this. :) ;)

And it's just like all women shouldn't worry about tit-size. Please trust me on this: NOT all guys want a balloon titted women with delightfully trashy platinum blonde hair (and hell, there is nothing wrong with that as well), huge fake tits and an obnoxious and often bizarre looking fake-ish spray tan (Bronzer or whatever it's called) who is also into women just as much as the opposite sexe. That is popular North American myth in our continant.

The bottom line for them is this: Some men ARE Tit-Men. And some men (like me and a few million others on our bickering planet) are Ass-Men who prefer a nicer & tighter, or simply more rounder and heart-shaped if it all possible, creamy ass & thigh combo meal on an above-average lookin' woman close to my age proxomity. To be honest, I do enjoy nice, big natural tits (but of course ;)) for what they are when a woman has them, cause I'm a guy, and of course they are there. But honestly any more then a full C-cup is sort of a waste on most regular sized women to me. Plus, think of all of that (so sorry but it's true) un-attractive to most men sagging & hanging that shall often occur later on in life, and will make her medical bills go up if she wants a breast lift done on her tits. Not to mention I am afraid I am just not attracted to stretch marks myself.

So guess the moral of the story for that one is the now eternal "To each they're own" story.


Does size matter goes both ways.

for the average guy no a little bit of difference no biggy but if your freakishly big probably in most cases not a good thing and the same if your freakishly small.
What's the average width of a vagina? Size matters! The tighter the puss...the quicker I get back to television!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Every girl I've ever been with has always looked at my dick and said, "Er... it's okay, really. Size doesn't matter anyway."

I guess I'm living the good life...