Does Putin holds Trump by the balls ?

Donald Trump sextape ?

Donald Trump may have a bizarre sex tape with Russian prostitutes, a claim that went viral on Tuesday after the release of a bombshell but unverified intelligence report.

The bizarre claim seemed to echo a rumor that had circulated for many weeks among members of the press, with the report making its way around the media before finally being reported this week. After becoming the stuff of legend among political reporters (and even hinted by actor Tom Arnold), the claims that Donald Trump was groomed for a run at the presidency by Russian intelligence officials are now out to the public.

The full report was published by BuzzFeed and other media outlets, with some bombshell claims of coordination between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian officials. The report — which was allegedly compiled by a British intelligence official at the request of some of Trump’s political opponents — claimed that the Russian government had been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Trump for years in the hope of placing him in the presidency.

BuzzFeed noted that the claims of Donald Trump’s sex tape and other allegations were not verified, and that the document itself contained some obvious errors.

“It includes some clear errors. The report misspells the name of one company, ‘Alpha Group,’ throughout. It is Alfa Group. The report says the settlement of Barvikha, outside Moscow, is ‘reserved for the residences of the top leadership and their close associates.’ It is not reserved for anyone, and it is also populated by the very wealthy.”

But the allegations are reportedly being taken seriously by the U.S. intelligence community, to the point that this report was reportedly shared with both Trump and President Barack Obama.

The most salacious claim of the report is that Russian intelligence officials may have a sex tape showing Donald Trump in perverse acts with Russian prostitutes.

“According to Source D, where s/he had been present, TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.”

While the claims of Donald Trump’s sex tape have made for juicy headlines, many media outlets are stressing the still-unverified nature of the claims. The Huffington Post, which ran the story of the alleged Russian connection beneath a story of Barack Obama’s final speech, made it a point to emphasize that the claims have “no compelling public evidence.”

“But there’s still no compelling public evidence that the claims are true,” the report noted. “We haven’t seen how much of this information the intelligence community thought was worth mentioning or was able to find some verification for in the two-page document they presented to Obama and Trump.”

For his part, Trump has soundly denied the report. In a tweet issued within hours of the first reports hitting the internet, he blasted a tweet in all capital letters calling it “fake news.”

The full report claiming that Russian intelligence officials groomed Donald Trump and may have a sex tape showing Trump with Russian prostitutes can be read here :
This proves you are crazy.

Don't say one word about the Pizzagate conspiracy theorists from here on out.

It didn't even take 12 hours before people were running away from this story. You Might want to follow up on that.


the special one
Golden shower, 2 Girls, 1 Trump

Even if this was true, I don't see why drumpf would care about it. He's a known adulterer and sex offender, yet his base is more interested in what Bill Clinton was doing in the 90s.

I think if Putin does have anything over dear leader it will be more substantial, but it's probably nothing more than IQ points, since anyone in the double digits can talk rings around America's clown president.
Even if this was true, I don't see why drumpf would care about it. He's a known adulterer and sex offender, yet his base is more interested in what Bill Clinton was doing in the 90s.

I think if Putin does have anything over dear leader it will be more substantial, but it's probably nothing more than IQ points, since anyone in the double digits can talk rings around America's clown president.

Trump needs to stay very healthy Pence is a nightmare waiting to happen......
It certainly wouldn't be the other way around, not with Trump's notoriously small hands and Putin's bear-wrestling bol'shiye, or how you say? "Big ones?"


Hiliary 2020
This proves you are crazy.

Don't say one word about the Pizzagate conspiracy theorists from here on out.

It didn't even take 12 hours before people were running away from this story. You Might want to follow up on that.

He's not crazy. Anything is possible.
He is naive by not looking at the source of this story, its lack of evidence regarding its factualness, plus the Fake New's history of lying to us especially Regarding Trump.

I've known many liars in my life. Big time Liars. I've even played the role before like all of us have.
What do you think a person, or a news media thinks about you?
They have ZERO respect, think you are stupid, and inferior to them.
And when you expose their bullshit that's where the real nastyness begins.

But yet most here still put in place a line that they wont cross. "Nah, they wouldn't do that".
They would. There is nothing they won't lie about as long as people keep believing what they say over their own gosh darn eyes.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The last two days have proven once again that the left is happy to see America fail so long as it validates their butt-hurt about Trump.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is fun to see the republican President-elect get the sort of opposition that Obama got because of racism and birther bs, just in Trump's case, there is a lot of video and other solid stuff. Like this little gem:

Trump’s Lawyer: We Met With Him In Pairs To Avoid Lies

“Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory.”

In a deposition under oath taken in 1993, one of Donald Trump’s lawyers said they always tried to meet with him in pairs “because Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory.”


Patrick McGahn, a casino lawyer who helped bring gambling to Atlantic City, said Trump was “an expert at interpreting things. Let’s put it that way.”



His own lawyers don't trust him, because he routenely lied even to them.


Hiliary 2020
The last two days have proven once again that the left is happy to see America fail so long as it validates their butt-hurt about Trump.

I beleive to a great extant that is true.
But you shouldn'y just leave it at that.
Why do so many people prefer to see a failed Trump presidency than a successful one that benefits us all? Benefits the entire world?
#1 answer is the lamestream media. Their lies, their propaganda, their brainwashing.
They actually managed to get young adults against and independant candidate in favor of someone who represents big gov, endless wars, shitty economy, less freedom and more GOV control.
In the 60's they protested against the BIG GOV establishment. Today they protest in favor of it.
That's some strong freaking propaganda to accomplish that.
Lets hope the next generation smartens up.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Supa flying into a trap. Read a little more into that story. What it doesn't say is that this lawyer had a $10G per month retainer plus fees for 2 of Trumps casinos separately. A contract for 60 months. $1.2M total just in retainer. Financial problems in AC were happening to everyone. Trump calls and says he's handing the lawyer shit over to one of his minions to negotiate retainers and fees. Of the $1.2M, only the last $60G and fees are in play. This deposition was this lawyer's attempt to make the money grab when the bankruptcy hit the fan.

So those little snippets from a 250 page document are telling us what? "Investigative Data Reporter" Kendall Taggart is a hack. "Legal Editor" Chris Geidner can shove his National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association award squarely up his ass. If anyone wants to read Buzzfeed, enjoy yourselves. If you are going to be sharing news from them with others... don't do that to yourself.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am stomping my foot and protest! Oh noez, there goes my theory!!11


The last two days have proven once again that the left is happy to see America fail so long as it validates their butt-hurt about Trump.

As opposed to making America fail through obstruction and temper tantrums for the last 8 years?

Drumpf is his own daily disaster, and the majority, who begged and pleaded with you not to elect this big orange idiot, are just pointing out all the reasons why you continue to fuck the country you claim to love with this imbecile and his government of anti-Americans.
As opposed to making America fail through obstruction and temper tantrums for the last 8 years?

Drumpf is his own daily disaster, and the majority, who begged and pleaded with you not to elect this big orange idiot, are just pointing out all the reasons why you continue to fuck the country you claim to love with this imbecile and his government of anti-Americans.

just shut up. you queer.
The last two days have proven once again that the left is happy to see America fail so long as it validates their butt-hurt about Trump.
I don't knowwhat you're refering to but anything that may happned during these 2 days is nothing compared to what GOP have done for 8 years. And they decided to do it ON DAY 1

the reunion they refer to did took place. Gingrich admited it took place and admited he was there.