Does porn help you stay faithful to your wife or girlfriend?

My wife knows I have porn, we even watch it together every once in a while. Lol. I have to be careful what I put in though because it could easily turn her off. For instance the other day we were watching what I thought was a couple friendly movie, "Uniform Babes", and there was a squirting scene with Tianna Lynn and Lani Lei that totally turned her off. Heck it even turned me off, it was too much squirting. Thankfully we had already made love by then.

My wife thankfully understands men. She understands we think about sex all the time and jerk off all the time. So she doesn't give me the guilt trip about porn. I don't have the balls or the conscience to cheat on my wife but like any other man in a monogamous relationship I still get urges. I'm not gonna lie, porn helps. :cool:
My wife thankfully understands men. She understands we think about sex all the time and jerk off all the time.

You are a very lucky man :D
Good question (the orig. post), although I'm sure I'm not the only one who's aware that many Christians, and even many non-religious people, believe that watching porn is a kind of unfaithfulness, a kind of cheating. Not as severe as actually stuffing some OTHER real, in-the-flesh woman with one's cock-meat, but still, cheating.

And using that as my segue, I'll say that POV vids, cam-chats and virtual-fucking vids, combined with a Fleshlight, really help me to stay "faithful"!

I don't think it makes much of a difference for me. But it does make things more interesting for her, since I learn a lot of techniques from porn.
Admitting to having an affinity for porn will only cause you to discover just how freaky your girlfriend really is.

Take that to the bank. :pimpdaddy