Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It?

Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It

i'd say it matters. the effect is gone if shes dead fishin' it.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It

nice thread!

yes, indeed. I DON'T like when the girl isn't "into" the scene. That is: almost no movement, almost no sound, bad attitude, etc.
Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It

It matters. If she's not into it, then it is off putting.
Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It

I don't really care if she looks like she's particularly enjoying it, but she definitely needs to be at least engaged in the action. Pornstars who are glazed over with pot or pain killers or whatever are a huge turn-off.
Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It

I like to see girls who enjoy their work, if they don't at least look like they're enjoying it I'm not interested.