Electronica? Nah. It's not the 80s and synthesizers are everywhere already. Keep yer electronics to yourself or return 'em to Radio Shack.
Club Music? Only if you're tipsy, high as f!ck and dancing in a skimpy shirt in a gay club. As if the music genre was mislabeled, or something and actually had to be explained. :shrug:
Another chest thumping I'm the only cool guy here statement, right in my face insult.
I don't know what the difference is between Techo and Electronica, not something I spent a lot of time learning about or worrying about...which is why I asked my question. If someone can spare the few seconds to answer me, I'd say thank you for the favor.
I don't need a "you're not cool like me reply", if I knew the difference I wouldn't have asked.
That makes no sense; "mislabeled"? If I want to know the difference, I need to find out, and the best way is to ask someone who knows to tell me.
It doesn't
have to be explained, any more than anal shots or creampies
have to be explained, but since we are all sharing online for fun why not tell me what you can?
If you feel so above it all, post where you feel needed, don't give me that I'm so superior crap, it doesn't look good on you.
Thanks to all the secure people who took the time to discuss the genre, and allow me to learn a little something new I didn't know before.
BTW, I don't have a fishnet shirt, I'm not gay, and I sometimes listen to electronic music; I have had a good time here and there dancing in a club with the lights and everything; not my lifestyle, but fun when I did it.
Straight or high, fun is fun.
:2 cents:
dave-rhino...I liked your post, I do the same. My personal fav is classic Bluegrass and hard rock, but from there I like this and that (Sade, Tracy Chapman, Dylan, REM, Depeche Mode, Clash,Zepplin, etc. I have been known to zone out on Classical and the Blues, as well).:thumbsup: