I apologize if this has been posted before.
We all have bills to pay. It all adds up.
I just think that sites who charge $29.99 a month are charging a little bit too much.
Anybody else agree with me or even disagree with me?
What are your thoughts about this?
Pretty sure the people making the adult stuff you whack off to have bills too. If the consumer base isn't paying them do you think most of them will still be making that stuff for you to slap the ol' bishop around to? Probably not.
Consider for a moment the number of sites out there, and the prevalence of free porn. Think how many people will get by on the free stuff (or steal what they want) and
never pay for anything. Think of the amount of competition all those sites provide for everyone's hard earned money and how many times over that divides the pie they all have to share from.
So you're looking at them having expenses too, and the reality that there really isn't a tonne of money in porn unless you're one of the very, very, very tiny select group of people who are at the very top, the 0.00001% as it were, because of how much stuff is out there all vying for the same wallets.
When you stop and think about it... it's not exactly a surprise that they need to make the sales they make
count. If they try to undercut... how much could they do that before they hit the red and have to start thinking about other lines of work?
Porn generally isn't the license to print money a lot of people seem to think it is.
So I guess what I'm saying is that unless you want the entire industry to consist of, like, Brazzers, three girls and whatever the random exhibitionists want to post for shits and giggles... maybe it really isn't that much, and maybe you want to pay it.