I don't get what the aversion is to wearing one. It doesn't need to be some fancy N95 or custom designer fashion choice. Most places that are mandating it are happy as long as you're covering your nose & mouth, so even a bandana is fine.
Countries where the public wear one are doing better than countries that are fighting against it.
The local governments in my area are finally starting to mandate wearing one when entering any business, and I saw no issues when I went shopping yesterday. No complaining, no hassles, no yelling "This is my right". But then I go shopping in the region next door (where it's not mandated), and still roughly 1/3 of people aren't wearing them.
Countries where the public wear one are doing better than countries that are fighting against it.
The local governments in my area are finally starting to mandate wearing one when entering any business, and I saw no issues when I went shopping yesterday. No complaining, no hassles, no yelling "This is my right". But then I go shopping in the region next door (where it's not mandated), and still roughly 1/3 of people aren't wearing them.