Its the greatest invention ever. imo. i got good use of it tonight. Lots of peeing. DIscuss.
STDiva Aug 17, 2011 #1 Its the greatest invention ever. imo. i got good use of it tonight. Lots of peeing. DIscuss.
STDiva Aug 17, 2011 #3 busenbust said: :laugh: nope, never use it ; i just drop the boxers instead. Click to expand... Such an unecessary waste of energy.
busenbust said: :laugh: nope, never use it ; i just drop the boxers instead. Click to expand... Such an unecessary waste of energy.
busenbust ^^^^ Aug 17, 2011 #4 STDiva said: Such an unecessary waste of energy. Click to expand... :1orglaugh not really ...
S sallyfields Aug 17, 2011 #7 i once used to to suck a guy off under the table in a darkly lit room while he was giving a market report presentation, dose that count
i once used to to suck a guy off under the table in a darkly lit room while he was giving a market report presentation, dose that count
squallumz knows petras secret: she farted. Aug 17, 2011 #9 i picked youre a dickhole. why? im not sure.
Thomas O'Malley Aug 17, 2011 #10 Of course not! What's the use, it can only get stuck, it might even break (now I know it can breaks since that topic was brought up).
Of course not! What's the use, it can only get stuck, it might even break (now I know it can breaks since that topic was brought up).
VampDude Aug 17, 2011 #12 Mine has a button... But then it saves me from my pants zipper... That isn't good.
D D-rock Aug 17, 2011 #14 What's worse is when it goes through there when you don't want it to and starts rubbing against your jeans which are much more rough and course when your not in a position at the moment to fix the situation.
What's worse is when it goes through there when you don't want it to and starts rubbing against your jeans which are much more rough and course when your not in a position at the moment to fix the situation.
Shifty O.G. Aug 17, 2011 #18 Nope. I'm out there STD and I'm lovin' every minute of it ! :yesyes: Oh, and you're a dickhole.