The notion that pitbulls are some kind of murderous unstoppable fighting-machines is in short...
It's a modern myth... a urban legend... nonsense.
Pitbull terriers, amstaff, all of those breeds... yes, they were used extensively in dogfighting and bred for the purpose. but here's the kicker: aggressiveness, unpredictability, tendencies to suddenly attack, hostility towards other dogs and humans are inherently BAD qualities in a fighting dog.
- Aggressiveness tires a fighting dog, making it vulnerable. A patient, calm dog wins over a foaming jitterbug any day.
- Biting strangers is a total no-no in dog-fighting since in the pit, the dogs are held by "handlers", which are strangers to the dog. A dog that attacked the handlers was barred from fighting.
So when breeding dog for dog-fighting, any dog that displayed any of these qualities was not selected for breeding, and thus could not pass them on to any offspring and as such did not contribute to the breeds. All of these qualities that the myth says these dogs have were, disqualified the dogs from breeding.
This is also evidenced when dog experts examine individuals from these breeds... unless the dog is unwell or mentally damaged, the results are always that pitsbulls and similar are calm and very stable dogs.
And let's not even get started on the total nonsense about "locking jaws" and "won't let go 'til the prey is dead" and all of that horse manure... that is too stupid to honor with a serious reply.
The myth of the pitbull as foaming murder-machine is an enduring one, propagated by word-to-mouth, anecdotes and selective news reports that make a big brouhaha when an individual of these breeds attack, but not when other dogs attack. Attacks from "fighting breeds" constitute about 5% of all dog related human injuries... meaning that 95% of all injuries from dog are from labs, german shepards, standard poodles, goldens and so forth.
Please... do not, I say again: DO NOT propagate the myth that pitbulls are fighting machines.
So... back to the OP: can any of those dogs shown defeat a pitbull in a fight?
Yes, all of them... a pitbull at its modest 27kg wouldn't stand a chance. A tell trained lab, german shepard or other such dog would also make short work of a little pitbull.