Do you think Nina Mercedez's body is perfect?

Is she perfect?

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True that pic is sexy as hell, tight body nice long hair, holding her tits

brb going to beat off
Nina is a fantastic looking girl.


As with all fantastic looking people, a lot of their look is down to having inherited fantastic physical genes.
Obviously Nina inherited great genes from her mam and dad.
Naturally if she did not stay in shape, she would not look as well as she does.
But you've got to have the foundations to look that good!
(sorry to be nerdy about all of this!).
Non, she isn't perfect. Nobody's perfect
But her little flaws makes her even more charming. 'cause she doesn't semme to to try hider them, she accepts them and just deals with them.
That makes her look more "human" than many other girls. And that's probably one of the reason of her poularity.
I would be very surprised in Nina's mam and dad were not also very good looking people.

Today seems to be a day full of talk about genetics for some reason!
she is pretty close to the prefect woman in my eyes i love her body and her personailty is amazing she is as sweet as beautiful . but her body aint prefect there is no such thing as a prefect anything . but she is close
I would be very surprised in Nina's mam and dad were not also very good looking people.

Today seems to be a day full of talk about genetics for some reason!
In mùaths, if you multiply a negative number with another nagative number, the result is a positive number. Maybe it works that way in genetic ;) Maybe her parents are both fucking ugly
I have to go with no, but only because I take "perfect" very seriously ;)

I would definitely give my left nut to bang her, but she's not quite perfect.
her body´s close to perfect... and her face is even closer! i love those lips and sinful looking eyes!
Her body is perfect for my tastes. She's a Goddess from her big brown eyes right down to her lickable little brown eye, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, and every crack and crevice in between.
What I love about Nina is that even though she makes porn, she don't look like a complete slut... I mean, I wouldn't mind to introduce her to my mother :D
You replies here surprise me a little, I really don't see quite how she should be perfect... Sure, sexy as hell and from what I understand a very nice person whose work I respect 100%. Personally though, I prefer less booty and her boobs seem too fake for my tastes (the pics with C size look better). Also, I cannot stand tatoos.
Great girl though and no complaints from me... I am just surprised that so many of you should find her that great.
Unique is perfect ... but "flaws" are not always seen as such ...

No one has a perfect body. Everyone has flaws and that is what makes us all unique.
I get where you're trying to come from, and have said the same myself. However, I've realized over my time that "flaws" are not always seen as such by others.

I think the Sum of all that is Woman, in Her entirety, as the best features of All, would be "aggregately perfect" -- which doesn't mean she's necessary the most beautiful to all. I've regularly attribute the "aggregately perfect" to God Herself, and searched for the aggregate summation in the flesh that comes close in the eyes of most men (even if not myself).

I'm not afraid to publicly voice that the broad popularity of the attributes of a woman, say Erica Rose Campbell (ERC) for example (among others), might be an example of various attributes aggregately summarize what most men may want overall. Doesn't mean what I want (i.e., doesn't mean ERC is the ultimate in my own, visual desires), but it does give a good, aggregate picture of where that summation might be headed, among other examples.

So if you mean "flaws" from the standpoint of "aggregately perfect," I utterly agree with you.

By my definition of "Perfect," it means without flaws that one can even see or discern or, agian, even consider them flaws. Others may quickly point out flaws, which tells others what is important to them (or what they just focus on, possibly to their own unhappiness?), which are always a matter of subject. E.g., Symmetry is commonly quoted, and just one attribute that people are always ready to debate over and over, as if they can never say enough about it.

Likewise, I'm the first to argue that Shay Laren is one of my most fondest examples of "perfect," yet people will solely focus on the lack of perfect symmetry between her breasts. In all honesty, I cannot even consider the uniqueness of Shay Laren's breasts. So to me, her total form just comes together perfectly, the breasts adorning the hourglass and the supermodel profile and just everything in balance. So I wouldn't say it's the uniqueness of her breasts.

But I will agree the uniqueness of the woman overall is definitely to be loved. I just don't see them as "flaws," even if people try to focus on such, I just cannot. I don't consider lack of Symmetry a flaw. I don't consider complexion to be an absolute requirement either, especially when in combination and I don't even recognize the "flaw" that others say it is. That's yet another example.

And if you agree that there's no "absolute" on things like symmetry, complexion, etc... -- even weight -- then I think we all agree. That every value, every attribute, must be uniquely evaluated on the woman as a whole. So my definition of perfect comes around to the final reality that I don't think I could change a single thing about a woman and make her more beautiful than I already am exposed to.

Nina is definitely there.