Do you think Carmella Bing has to join Freeones Board ?

Carmella must join Freeones or not ?

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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm pretty sure at this point, everyone knows that she doesn't "have" to join. I don't think the O.P. literally intended that she 'had' to. So can we stop with all the "it's her choice" messages. He just wants her to join. Plain and simple.

You mean she doesn't have to join if the majority of us say she has to?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Democracy simply doesn't work.


Closed Account
I'm just saying whenever I see a thread like this where the poster is clearly making a joke or not being 100% serious, we inevitably get a ton of posts that say the same thing.

"it's her choice. she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to."

Well, no shit. If you really opened this thread and thought to yourself, "It just doesn't seem fair that she would HAVE to join if we say so." then you most likely have a reasoning disability.

Same thing happens when someone says something like, "should (insert porn name) do (insert sex act).

We always get about 5 posters that have to say, well, it's her body and she doesn't have to. Obviously she doesn't have to. But we can certainly talk about our desire for her to do it. I guess I'm just tired of wasting time reading those posts by people who take those posts far too seriously.
I'd welcome her aboard.... my penis!!! :D
i wish she joined and I also wish I could bang her too :)