I'm pretty sure that you cant take a persons photo like the first one without their permission. I think in the Uk its probably a breach of the Data Protection Act, but I dunno about Greece.
If its a panarama shot of some tourist attraction and people are pipped in the background then thats different, but the stuff above is altogether more sinister, even if it wasnt meant that way. You are taking pics of women, without their knowledge, with the sole point being that it is a picture OF that woman. In other words, its not like you were taking a pic of a statue and she happened to stand in the way....
Like Joe_Swe and Cloud said, sneaking a pic of someone, for what is seemingly a sexual purpose, and then posting them on the net is not very pleasant.
Hey man, I can see you're a little bit upset and seem remorseful, and I'm not trying to judge you, but I certainly wouldnt make a habit of posting the covert pics, or even taking them to be honest.
On the other hand, if theres some more pics of girls who agree to it, I'd like to see em cos the ones above looked pretty tasty!