Do You Take Anything to Enhance Your Sexual Experience?

I don't necessarily mean sexual enhancement pills either.
Alcohol. Weed. Ectasy
What makes your sexual experience better?

Me personally...every day I take
- Tongkat Ali - Makes me last longer in bed
- Folsac - Makes me cum ALOT more

When its time for sex or a BJ...
- I smoke some weed
- Sip on a few Moosehead beers (GOAT BEER BTW)

How are you guys living???:)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I don't, but in my younger days, one doobie, and you could use my shlong for a sun dial. It still gets me going a little, but not like it used to....because I'm older now. Oddly, NOTHING else would ever allow me to function....especially coke. Even in my younger, more active days, I could never get it up, while on any substance, besides weed..