Do you still have wet dreams?


I have had dreams where I was drowning. One dream was caused by a hose left on when I passed out.
Dude you have to be 18 to be on here.

My attempt at avoiding autolink: Wett Dream

You can also avoid the autolink by surrounding the name you're trying to avoid autolinking with the HTML tag nobabe. So for Wet Dream you would type [ nobabe] (the space is just for illustrative purposes) [nobabe]Wet Dream[/nobabe] [ /nobabe]. Does that make any sense?
Yes, I sometimes have a [nobabe]wet dream[/nobabe], but not often. I'm way past my 20's, by the way. It seems to be related to how long it's been since the last time I ejaculated, but that's not always the case. Sometimes it's related (I think) to what I've been watching or reading, but not always. They're always erotic dreams, where some sexy girl - maybe someone on TV or someone at my work - enters the dream and we get into sexual activity. As I cum in the dream, I wake up and find my penis pulsing and I'm cumming in real life.

This isn't something that I can make happen - it just happens. I don't worry about it.


Nah I discovered masturbation....Less of a mess.
I hadn't had one in years until about a month ago... it was pretty nice!