Do you still have wet dreams?

I feel kind of weird asking about this, but I honestly don't know if this is something you are supposed to "grow out of" like wetting the bed, or if it is normal to have these into your adulthood.

I have gone through a number of periods of my adult life where I wasn't getting laid on a regular basis (gasp), and I don't really "take matters into my own hand" enough to...relieve my build up all the time. So as a result of that, I had occasional wet dreams throughout most of my 20's.

I am now going through another sex drought, and I had some sex dreams recently, which I expected to result in waking up to a mess, but nothing happened. Maybe I'm finally over this????

If you have stopped having wet dreams, at what age did they stop?
last Wet Dream i had was when i was 14....havent had one since....

i dont rly remember what it feels like though...
2 things:

1. I've never had a [nobabe]Wet Dream[/nobabe] before, so I wouldn't really know.


i only still have a Wet Dream when i wonder what petra really looks like other then that no i dont
No. I never had them when I was young, either (judging on chatting to various people over the years, most of them never had them in their youth, either).

I've woken plenty of times with a wet groin, but it tends to be because I have drunken too much alcohol, and have pissed myself in my sleep.
That is something I never remember having....EVER

I must be weird....:1orglaugh
Every night.
If you're still having "wet dreams" as an adult shouldn't you consider those nightmares?:1orglaugh


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I cant remember ever having one.
Huh must be missing something good. :dunno: