Do you still buy porn magazines or books (paper goods)?

Do you still buy porn mags or books (paper goods)??

  • Yes, I buy porn mags and/or books regularly

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • I pick up some dead-tree smut ("spankbooks") occasionally, from time-to-time

    Votes: 12 9.7%
  • I rarely buy porn mags and/or books - only if something really catches my eye

    Votes: 26 21.0%
  • I never buy porn in paper form - It's the 21st Century, after all !!!

    Votes: 75 60.5%

  • Total voters
I sill still buy one occasionally if I go to an Adult Bookstore when I am traveling on business. They are so much more "dirty" than internet porn. It kind of turns me on. I usually hide them from the wife and teenage kids when I get home and occasionaly use them in the bathroom. But, I always end up throwing them away for fear of them being found. It is much easier to protect your files on the computer or cover up your internet tracks.


It's good to be the king...


Closed Account
A few times I've woken up after a heavy night of drinking to find a porn magazine in my room. Never know why, just one of those things..
Does anyone know if there are any sites available to purchase scanned porn mags from the 70's and 80's? I have seen plenty of places that you can get back issues mailed to you, but there is no way I could get them past my wife.

I am really trying to find some of the magazines from my youth that I stupidly threw away. Most are Gallery and Huslter.

Any help would be appreciated.
a friend of mine had this porno novel in his apartment. Very detailed indeed. I started to read it outloud to the other people there and it caused quite a good laugh. But it was interesting nonetheless.


I order one now and then on my phone, simply pay with SMS, and they're in the post the next day! It's nice to have when you want to jerk off at night and don't want to start up the computer or your TV-set.


Lord Dipstick
Just bought the new Playboy with Ashley Dupre in it!
Jesus Christ shes a hottie!:eek:
It's been a while. But I'm not about to carry my computer screen into the bathroom with me, so if I go back to standing over the toilet while getting off, I might buy some more mags.
I've had to get rid of a lot of my porno mags. I was running out of space. It was horrible to see them go but I'm trying to only keep my favourite mags. I will still keep buying mags because I really like the thrill of going into newsagents and sex shops to get porn. I like being able to take a mag into the bathroom or have them in bed when I'm wanking.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I remember when I was 12 or so and the family that owned the corner store where I used to buy my parents cigaretts and booze for them. In the evening they would let their 18 yr old kids run the store and the oldest son would let me read the porno mags. I should go back to my old town and see if they will still let me do that.