
I'm finding all the prudes and closemindedness a huge turnoff. I mean if its not your thing, then fine but saying that having your prostate stimulated make you weak or gay? C'mon, get over it....its 2011, people should be sexually free to do what they want without having to worry about being labelled as something they're not. I love to have my pussy eaten, does that make me gay because lesbians eat pussy? No! Having a part of your body stimulated, even if its up the bum, doesn't make you gay at all. Making that judgement call simply because gay guys have anal sex, is effing stupid as hell because y'know what? With your thinking, giving it to a girl up the ass is JUST AS GAY AS HAVING YOUR ASS STIMULATED. Think about it- an ass is an ass. Guys and girls both have asses. They're essentially the same hole, just attatched to a different sex. Penetrating a girls ass, you may as well be penetrating a guys ass because its the same shiz. So how isn't that gay, if having a woman play with your bum is? Don't give me the argument of "well the ass I'm fucking is female"...because the person stimulating your prostate is also female...

Sorry, I just can't stand guys who are sexually repressed, and are judgemental of those who have a more open mind...not to mention guys who buy into the whole "gay is girly/weak" thing...

and i am free to not like it and think of it as gay.
and i don't think of girls as weak or inferior.


Official Checked Star Member
and i am free to not like it and think of it as gay.
and i don't think of girls as weak or inferior.

sure, like I said if its not your thing then fine but, thinking that something like that makes you gay, then thats kinda labelling and judging those who do it. And when it comes to sex, I don't think anyone should judge what gets other people off (as long as its not illegal lol). But labelling certain things in life as "gay" and making it sound like being gay is a bad thing is really sad. We should be getting over this whole "gay' thing by now and stop labelling people and their actions.


i don't think it would make you gay, i think it would make me gay; and as a heterosexual i do not like that. you can call that repressed if it makes you feel better, but it won't change how i think of myself or of guys taking it up the ass.
i also have absolutely nothing against homosexuals (i own all judas priest albums, even the not so good ones). i just am not gay, and people like yourself seem to have a hard time accepting that.


Official Checked Star Member
Sorry, I'm just a "don't knock it til you try it" kinda girl when it comes to sex. Anything otherwise seems repressed to me. :dunno:

And my comments regarding those who's statements teeter on degrading homosexuality, or any kind of "gay" sex acts, as being weak, girly, demasculating...I stand by. I just can't stand seeing comments like those because I don't believe that gay men ARE weak...nor do I think having a toy up a mans ass makes them weak or girly either.

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
some times i get turned on thinking about it some times
Most straight men would probably say a man who has an interest in being anally penetrated by anything or anyone has a tendency toward being at least bisexual. Although I don't know if it's true, I believe like most other straight men do on it.

There are few things that boggle the (my) mind more than human sexual interests, tastes, etc.

Is it 'gay' per se? Doubtful as gay men don't seem to want to have anything to do with women other than gossip like and with them.

The only reason why I just tend to agree that it suggests some bisexuality but not completely means it is because lesbians use strap ons. Follow me on this for a second....The fact that lesbians may use strap ons with one another doesn't mean they want a dick attached to a man fucking them. They are sexually turned on by women. So it could stand to reason men who take it up the ass from a woman don't necessarily want to take dick from a man. Just like men who fuck women in the ass has no remote connection to a man wanting to fuck another man in the ass. Although they are fucking anatomically the same type of orifice, most men who do this are turned on by doing it to woman ass not man ass. Further, just because men and women both have assholes and some men think highly of looking at a woman's asshole..doesn't mean in no way they have an interest in looking at some man's asshole.:eeew:

It's been mentioned that male monkey spanking seems gay(er). I suppose that's an opinion but it's a laughable one IMO. The only way male masturbation would be gay is if you were doing it to, over or about another man. We touch our own dicks countless times during the day when we piss, adjust the direction of it or wash it. Touching your own dick is as natural waking up and going to sleep. Even as such, male monkey spanking isn't not about the mental connection of what a cock feels like in your hand. It's simply about manipulating yourself to orgasm from some arousing imagery.

In the end, there are some people who are into all sorts or stuff. It doesn't make you a prude, repressed nor just makes you into the shit you're into.

Just make sure you take Face's advice if you are taking it up the ass.. :1orglaugh
From Wikipedia...

Homosexuality is romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex or gender.

Heterosexuality consists of sexual behavior, practices, and identity predicated on exclusive preference or desire for the opposite sex.

Where does the activity of a woman pegging her man fit into the former category, hm?

For crying out loud... guys of the 21st centrury are such prudes. They want women to suck dick, eat cum, make out with people of the same gender, and take it up the bum. But of the same idea is somehow applied to guys they go "Eeeeewwwww!!!".

The world needs more proud male sluts...


You're in such denial it's ridiculous. It's a man getting fucked. That's homosexual.

It doesn't belong on Freeones.
Most straight men would probably say a man who has an interest in being anally penetrated by anything or anyone has a tendency toward being at least bisexual. Although I don't know if it's true, I believe like most other straight men do on it.

There are few things that boggle the (my) mind more than human sexual interests, tastes, etc.

Is it 'gay' per se? Doubtful as gay men don't seem to want to have anything to do with women other than gossip like and with them.

The only reason why I just tend to agree that it suggests some bisexuality but not completely means it is because lesbians use strap ons. Follow me on this for a second....The fact that lesbians may use strap ons with one another doesn't mean they want a dick attached to a man fucking them. They are sexually turned on by women. So it could stand to reason men who take it up the ass from a woman don't necessarily want to take dick from a man. Just like men who fuck women in the ass has no remote connection to a man wanting to fuck another man in the ass. Although they are fucking anatomically the same type of orifice, most men who do this are turned on by doing it to woman ass not man ass. Further, just because men and women both have assholes and some men think highly of looking at a woman's asshole..doesn't mean in no way they have an interest in looking at some man's asshole.:eeew:

It's been mentioned that male monkey spanking seems gay(er). I suppose that's an opinion but it's a laughable one IMO. The only way male masturbation would be gay is if you were doing it to, over or about another man. We touch our own dicks countless times during the day when we piss, adjust the direction of it or wash it. Touching your own dick is as natural waking up and going to sleep. Even as such, male monkey spanking isn't not about the mental connection of what a cock feels like in your hand. It's simply about manipulating yourself to orgasm from some arousing imagery.

In the end, there are some people who are into all sorts or stuff. It doesn't make you a prude, repressed nor just makes you into the shit you're into.

Just make sure you take Face's advice if you are taking it up the ass.. :1orglaugh

There are gay websites that feature dudes putting dildos in their asses right?

Why is that gay but a man being fucked with a strapon isn't?

These people are desperate to have it accepted on Freeones and they'll keep screeching because they think it'll get them what they want.
i don't think it would make you gay, i think it would make me gay; and as a heterosexual i do not like that. you can call that repressed if it makes you feel better, but it won't change how i think of myself or of guys taking it up the ass.
i also have absolutely nothing against homosexuals (i own all judas priest albums, even the not so good ones). i just am not gay, and people like yourself seem to have a hard time accepting that.

Not only that, but they want it here on Freeones, even though the focus on the board is WOMEN.

They could go to a gay board, or a bisexual board. Nope, they want it here.

All they do is feed back into the same stereotypes about gay and bisexual men, the same kind of stereotypes that makes straight men not want to socialize with gay men. The same kind of stereotype that made people resistant to ending DADT.

That gay/bisexual men can't respect others and are infatuated with non-gay men.

The simple answer to all of this is that there are DOZENS of gay or bisexual boards for them to post that stuff on.

Continuing to force this issue gets to the point where it's harassment and trolling.
There are gay websites that feature dudes putting dildos in their asses right?

Why is that gay but a man being fucked with a strapon isn't?

These people are desperate to have it accepted on Freeones and they'll keep screeching because they think it'll get them what they want.

I have no clue about such sites...I assume there are because if you can think's out there.

But I was with you 100 pct. until I tried to rationalize a distinction between lesbian chicks using strap ons with one another but not being into male dick and the notion that a man would allow a woman to do that to him.

I think it suggests a bi or homo tendency but it could simply be some guy likes women doing that to him but not like the thought of being actually fucked by a man.:dunno:

What is unequivocally gay IMO is a man being sexually aroused in any way by another man. People who try and mince that are delusional IMO.
I have no clue about such sites...I assume there are because if you can think's out there.

But I was with you 100 pct. until I tried to rationalize a distinction between lesbian chicks using strap ons with one another but not being into male dick and the notion that a man would allow a woman to do that to him.

I think it suggests a bi or homo tendency but it could simply be some guy likes women doing that to him but not like the thought of being actually fucked by a man.:dunno:

What is unequivocally gay IMO is a man being sexually aroused in any way by another man. People who try and mince that are delusional IMO.

They are definitely gay or bi but they use that it's done by a woman as a way to rationalize that they aren't gay. Gay people call them "closet cases."

Now on the other hand you have gay dudes who know it's outright gay but want to push it here because they are turned on by the possibility that some non-gay guy will view it.

As much as gay men try to deny it, the old stereotype about (some) gay men being infatuated with non-gay men has a lot of truth.

I think that people who continuously post this stuff should be identified as trolls and harassers.

If they want to post gay/bi porn, there are several boards for them to do it on. Freeones is not one of them.

As for the OP the way he tries to rationalize it as not gay is pathetic and obvious. Even the way he writes it. It's done by a "hot girl" like it even matters whether it's Mandy Saxo or Rosie O'Donnell. Oh I forgot it's a "hot girl" gee....the OP writes like a gay guy trying to appeal to straight men but failing desperately.
They are definitely gay or bi but they use that as a way to rationalize that they aren't gay. Gay people call them closet cases.

Now on the other hand you have gay dudes who know it's outright gay but want to push it here because they are turned on by the possibility that some non-gay guy will view it.

As much as gay men try to deny it, the old stereotype about (some) gay men being infatuated with non-gay men has a lot of truth.

I think that people who continuously post this stuff should be identified as trolls and harassers.

If they want to post gay/bi porn, there are several boards for them to do it on. Freeones is not one of them.

I can buy all of that. But explain to me what's with lesbian chicks who get fucked by makeshift male dicks (aka dildoes and strap on cocks) but are not remotely interested in fucking a man. Or just because a strap on simulates a cock doesn't mean straight women want to be fucked by a lesbo wielding a strap on.

Now I will agree with you that there is a pretty big difference between male sexual psychology and female sexual psychology but that example suggests to me there could be room for men who just like women to do certain things to them.
I can buy all of that. But explain to me what's with lesbian chicks who get fucked by makeshift male dicks (aka dildoes and strap on cocks) but are not remotely interested in fucking a man. Or just because a strap on simulates a cock doesn't mean straight women want to be fucked by a lesbo wielding a strap on.

Now I will agree with you that there is a pretty big difference between male sexual psychology and female sexual psychology but that example suggests to me there could be room for men who just like women to do certain things to them.

I think some lesbians have more psychological issues than others. You have lesbians who dress and behave like men, want to take the "male" role in a relationship, specifically go for feminine looking women, yet claim they don't want to be men or even hate men.

Some lesbians really want to be men, or find the idea of having a phallus and penetrating the passive partner as empowering.

So some lesbians are just lesbians and some lesbians possess some of the cavemen characteristics that they bash men for.
I think some lesbians have more psychological issues than others. You have lesbians who dress and behave like men, want to take the "male" role in a relationship, specifically go for feminine looking women, yet claim they don't want to be men or even hate men.

Some lesbians really want to be men, or find the idea of having a phallus and penetrating the passive partner as empowering.

So some lesbians are just lesbians and some lesbians possess some of the cavemen characteristics that they bash men for.

I get what you're saying but from what I've seen, for every example you offer there is that exact same example within the gay male 'community'.

But what I'm asking is if lesbians using strap ons necessarily means they have some repressed desire to be straight are necessarily bi or have a man fucking them? I don't think it's necessarily the case they think anything other than them engaging in a sex act with the sex they are attracted to.

Personally I can't bend my mind around why a 'straight' man would want to be anally penetrated by anything or anyone but I don't know if a gay man would want anything to do with a woman and sex. A bi man most likely would though.

PS. I can't believe I've made this many posts in a thread about this subject. :facepalm:
It's a sexual act that is performed mostly by those who are homosexual. Anytime a man is penetrated, it is viewed as gay. It technically only becomes homo if it is done by another man, but is it gay by it's very concept?

Yes. Yes it is.

But for me, it's not so much the concept as it is the labels. I personally think people blur the lines and can't really accept the easy answers. I think people are sexual. A lot of women that consider themselves lesbians LOVE cock, they just don't like men. However, there aren't any men that classify themselves as gay, but love pussy. Who's really gay? Who's really straight? Who knows?... but everyone is sexual.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Slippery slope, IMO. I don't want anything in my ass. If there are straight gentlemen out there that get off on having objects inserted into their sphincter more power to them but I honestly believe that once you cross that line it's a quick descent into full-on gayness.
I get what you're saying but from what I've seen, for every example you offer there is that exact same example within the gay male 'community'.

But what I'm asking is if lesbians using strap ons necessarily means they have some repressed desire to be straight are necessarily bi or have a man fucking them? I don't think it's necessarily the case they think anything other than them engaging in a sex act with the sex they are attracted to.

Personally I can't bend my mind around why a 'straight' man would want to be anally penetrated by anything or anyone but I don't know if a gay man would want anything to do with a woman and sex. A bi man most likely would though.

PS. I can't believe I've made this many posts in a thread about this subject. :facepalm:

It's repressed gay men who say, "as long as it's a woman, I'm not gay" it's dudes with gay desires who are not ready to admit it. We can all see that they are gay/bi whatever, gays see it too. These dudes are just in denial.