I'm finding all the prudes and closemindedness a huge turnoff. I mean if its not your thing, then fine but saying that having your prostate stimulated make you weak or gay? C'mon, get over it....its 2011, people should be sexually free to do what they want without having to worry about being labelled as something they're not. I love to have my pussy eaten, does that make me gay because lesbians eat pussy? No! Having a part of your body stimulated, even if its up the bum, doesn't make you gay at all. Making that judgement call simply because gay guys have anal sex, is effing stupid as hell because y'know what? With your thinking, giving it to a girl up the ass is JUST AS GAY AS HAVING YOUR ASS STIMULATED. Think about it- an ass is an ass. Guys and girls both have asses. They're essentially the same hole, just attatched to a different sex. Penetrating a girls ass, you may as well be penetrating a guys ass because its the same shiz. So how isn't that gay, if having a woman play with your bum is? Don't give me the argument of "well the ass I'm fucking is female"...because the person stimulating your prostate is also female...
Sorry, I just can't stand guys who are sexually repressed, and are judgemental of those who have a more open mind...not to mention guys who buy into the whole "gay is girly/weak" thing...
and i am free to not like it and think of it as gay.
and i don't think of girls as weak or inferior.